II |⋆| Suicide-Obsessed Man

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The next morning, you started your day with a cup of brown coffee. The scene keeps ringing your mind for a while. You gripped the handle of your cup tightly due to intense emotions that you still feel after the event yesterday.

You prepared yourself and left your dorm.

Your goal is now to find an agency that would accept a person like you.

You were walking down the streets of Yokohama, desperately trying to find an agency just to pay off what 'Choi Ya' said to you. The warm breeze of the morning made you calm for a little. You breathed deeply and continued walking. 

After hours of walking, you felt tired. Humans can get tired easily, you thought.

You sat down on a bench next to a river. You can smell the freshwater from your place. The river sounds gave you tingles in your mind. It relaxes your whole body and soul.

While you were staring in space, you suddenly saw a 'corpse' floating onto the river. You immediately threw your bag on some bush and jumped on the river. You never knew how to swim but the river is only 3 feet deep. You walked towards the 'corpse' and you brought it to the land.

You did a CPR to the 'corpse'. The 'corpse' opened its eyes and his eyes sparkled.

"Oh, my beautiful lady! You're my hero." The man said. His long brown hair was soaked in water. He looks attractive. His trench coat got wet also but you still find him beautiful.

"Uhh, no problem...? W-why are you pretending to be dead on a freaking river? You gave me a heart attack, mister..?" You asked curiously.

"Dazai. And yes, I'm committing suicide. I heard that the water blocks airways of your body which causes suffocation. I tried it and I suffered. It got harder to breathe! I'll never try that technique again." He quickly replied. He still looks energetic after drowning himself on the 3-feet deep river.

"Ugh.. you're weird, Mr. Dazai." You said as you scratched the back of your head in disappointment.

"Since we met, what's your name? You already knew mine. I should know yours, Ms. Pretty Lady." He said in a most flirty way as possible.

The way he was speaking to you made you cringe so bad. You hated men who is as flirty as he is. He might be attractive but his attitude is shit, you thought.

"I'm {F/N} {L/N}. You can call me {NN}." You said to him while finding your bag on the bushes.

"Oh.. what a gorgeous name. I'll pay for your soaked clothes. Come with me. Don't worry, I'm not a r@p1$t." He said while lending his hand on you.

His presence doesn't scare you. You thought to yourself that you can kick his balls whenever he did something bad to you. You followed him without any hesitation. You have a strong trust in yourself so it wasn't bad for you.

After a few minutes, two of you arrived at your destination. The building looks very friendly and the surroundings look safe. Dazai led the way to the room and you followed him. When Dazai opened the door, the interior looks like an office. You arched your eyebrows in confusion. You thought he was going to take you to a room, which you don't mind since he's gonna kill himself soon.

You saw a green-haired man wearing glasses typing excessively. You thought that he's a workaholic type.

"You're looking for a job, aren't you?" Dazai asked calmly.

Your eyes widened in shock. You thought that you didn't even tell him about it. Your whole body was shaking. 

"Surprised?" He asked once again. It led your jaw to drop. You were speechless the whole time.

"No need to explain your emotions. We're the Armed Detective Agency. We do detective series. Some people don't really like the genres that we make. It truly saddens me that most people like the action and romance type of genres. The Port Mafia is popular with that. But we'll do our best to shine our agency." He said as he frowned fakely.

"Let me in then." You quickly said without any hesitation. You thought that this is a lucky day for you. 

"O-ooh?! You've decided that quickly?" Dazai said. You can see in Dazai's face that he was surprised by your fast decision making.

"Yes. I want to beat the *sshole who looked down on me. I'll let this agency shine." You said again. The flames of your determination became stronger than before.

"Alright. Please hand me your resume tomorrow---"

You quickly pulled out your resume from your soaked bag and handed it over to Dazai. His expression was fakely surprised again. 

"Okay then. Welcome to Armed Detective Agency!" A blonde young man shouted. He smiled gracefully on you. You then smiled back to him to make sure you don't ruin your own image to the agency.

"Since you're here, we'll test out your acting skills." The green-haired man said. You immediately nodded in agreement.

Dazai, you and the green-haired man headed to the meeting room.

"Okay. Go and cry me a river." 

You made a 'wtf' face. You have no choice but to follow his commands.

You attempted to cry but failed. You thought it's a bit hard to do it on your own.

"Ugh. Act as an antagonist then. Pretend that you're a scary killer. Dazai would be your victim. Dazai, you go and start."

Dazai sat down on the chair pretending he was being held in hostage.

"I-I knew it was you!! Y-you're the killer!!!!" Dazai said pretending he was scared.

"Hoho!! I'm a scary killer!!!!! Behold, and I shall end thy suffering. Begone, you filthy human!" You then fakely slapped him.

You then stared back to the green-haired man to know his thoughts. His expression was displeased.

"THAT'S NOT HOW YOU ACT AS A KILLER! YOU THINK YOU'D EASILY REVEAL YOUR TRUE COLORS? NO. THAT'S ABSURD!" He yelled at you. You bowed down your head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'll do harder next time." You apologized with a shaky voice.

"Just call me Kunikida." The green-haired man said.

"We'll train you more to enhance your skills." Dazai said.

Starting from that day, you regularly attended to the acting class provided by Dazai and Kunikida.

There were times that they broke your hips due to your lack of flexibility.

They forced you to go to the gym to enhance your strength and skills.

They also force you to do singing and dancing class.

You thought that it wasn't easy to be an actress. 

You almost gave up but Dazai was forcing you to not be lazy.

One day, you received a text message from Dazai.


"HEYY!! I can see that you're struggling with acting skills lately. I have a friend who's a famous actor and model. Maybe he can help you to work more. Meet me at YKHM Cafe. I ain't gonna spoil you who that person is. (=0w0=)

Your eyes sparkled in amazement. Your heart flutters in joy. You thought that you don't deserve that text message. You're excited to know who that person is.

You then jumped to your bed and prepared yourself for tomorrow. 


Author's note:

I apologize for the grammatical errors. My brain is dead.

January 11, 2020

Safe and Sound ⋆ Idol! Nakahara Chuuya x Female! Reader (BSD AU)Where stories live. Discover now