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Dr. Meredith Grey was dark and twisty, it was no surprise to anyone what knew her but according to everyone her life was great. She work at an great hospital now as Seattle Grace Hospital, had an amazing boyfriend in Dr. Derek Shepherd, was connecting well with her half sister Dr. Lexi Grey after their initial struggle and had amazing friends and mentors like Dr. Cristina Yang or Dr. Richard Webber .

But for the last few days everyone around her felt that she was sad and her mind was somewhere else. Anyone didn’t know what was wrong with her and if they ask she reply in a vague manner. Derek was clearly worried about her girlfriend and was wondering why she was not talking to her about this. After all it took a long time for their relationship to get stable.

Later in the conference room Derek, Cristina , Bailey ,Mark and Lexi were glancing around each other. They had decided to discuss about it and do something about it while Meredith was busy with an surgery with Dr. Webber.

“Does anybody what the hell is wrong with her now?” Cristina said.

“No, every time anyone of us try to talk to her about it she tries to change the subject or muster up some excuse of reason about it” Lexi answered to her.

“Clearly something is wrong with her , she always seem to be somewhere else. It is getting annoyed” Bailey said in an annoyed tone.

“What can we do about it, clearly she doesn’t want to talk about it. So until we know the reason we cant do anything” Mark said in very annoyed tone.

Amid all of this Derek who was the most quiet amongst them and was clearly thinking something spoke surprising all of them “Dr. Webber clearly knows something, I saw her talking to him about something  and when I joined they changed the subject out of nowhere”.

It was clear that they were not about to give up about it but then the group got paged. Mean while in the scrubbing room Dr. Meredith Grey and Dr. Richard Webber just finished their surgery, so Richard decided to ask her “Any response from Ness??” to which Meredith shook her head and then said “No, she hasn’t and when I called to her Army CO they said they don’t know”.

Webber could see the sadness in her face but still said “They don’t know or they don’t want anyone else to know” to which Mer replied in an annoyed voice “I don’t know...”. If anybody could see her they could see she was very frustrated with this and Webber could also see that so he just put a hand on her shoulder as she continue “ I just sometime think, it was my fault that this happened. If I have checked it with her after our mother died but, No I had to be stupid. It just I rarely contacted her after I started working here”.

Webber let out a small laugh “ It is not your fault Mer. I know for a fact she is very proud that you became surgeon. To think of it if she was here right now she would get angry at you for thinking that”.

This statement make Mer laughed a little, it was true that her elder sister was proud of her and supported her decision to become a surgeon like her and their mother. According to her Vanessa was more involved in her life than her mother was. Everyone who knew the Grey’s that Vanessa Grey was very protective of her sister and can go to any length for her sister.

Meredith could still remember that day when she got to known that her sister has decided to join the Army and was going to leave for training anytime. It was pretty easy to remember as Vanessa and their mother Ellis were going at each other for later decision to join the army. Their mother was said that like her they had potential or tools to become a great surgeons and Vanessa had partially proved that when she became a Neuro Surgeon but Mer knew that part of Ness reason to join the was her desire to do things different than what there mother wanted and she always did it.

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