✨Chapter Two✨

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I took a step back from the edge. I could feel the panic in me rising into my chest and the darkness of the November night engulf me. I would go to prison. I would loose everything. I was a fucking murderer and Jessica Wheeler was the proof of it. My body trembled with terror as I turned around to face Talis. He was staring at the edge were Jessica had been before- He suddenly turned to me and began to laugh. I felt insane. He was really laughing.

“W-what?? Why are you laughing?!?” I exclaimed, my voice beginning to break from the weight of panic I felt. I wanted to scream. I had just killed someone. I had just killed his girlfriend. What the fuck was so funny? His green eyes tracked back to my face as his little moment of amusement ended. “Your face was priceless!” he told me. Through the panic, some hope tore through it. His reaction made me think this was all a sick prank on me and I was wishing that it was. Wishing that Jessica Wheeler wasn’t dead.

“Is.. Is this all a joke?” I asked him. I sounded desperate. I was desperate. I was desperate to know if I was going to rot in fucking prison until death and burn in the flames of hell afterwards.  “Jessica isn’t really dead right?” My breaking voice started to calm, the panic started to cease into relief and the trembling began to stop. I would be pissed if this was all a joke but right now waves of relief were washing over me.

Of course not!

Talis’ words turned my relief into a violent nausea and it made me was to vomit. He joined my side and carefully peered over the edge as he told me “I wouldn't be able to fake any of this!” in an excited and cheerful tone. The sickness I was feeling became heavier when I turned around and also peered over the edge on the body. She had landed right on the concrete. Her dark red blood was everywhere. On her clothes, the concrete, the dirt and grass, anywhere it could reach it had gotten there.

The moonlight glistened on her corpse, brightening the sight. I could see her more clearly now. Her body was in a slightly deformed shape and when I stared at the blood and skin that wasn’t underneath her clothing. I thought I could see bone. I immediately yanked myself back “I-” I wanted to run away and hide “I'm so sorry-..” I whispered, my voice breaking like glass again. He turned away from the edge and raised a brow in confusion.  “What're you sorry for? This was the whole plan. It was all for her to jump off.”

He didn’t tell me the whole plan..

I stared at him with a mix of shock and horror painting my face. “N-no! No it wasn’t!” I stumbled over my words “we were just supposed to scare her-!” I screamed. I was feeling a lot of emotions right now, panic and nausea being the main ones. He rolled his green eyes, making me feel even sicker. “She’s dead, Betty. Screaming at me won't bring her back.” He told me with venom laced in his hauntingly calm voice. I watched him grab his phone and look at it.

“We have to go. We don’t want to around when someone passes by.” he told me while slipping it back into his pocket. I nodded shakily and quickly turned around, speed walking away and back inside. As I hurried down the stairs, I could hear Talis’ footsteps on the stairs and I started to walk quicker. I didn’t want to be near him. I just wanted to go home as soon as possible. I felt a bit sicker everytime I took a step. The sight of her dead body repeated over and over in my head. I had killed her. Her death was my fault. I had scared her right off of the edge and now she’d rot away in the moonlight because of me. I held back tears and I became quicker. I had fucking killed her. I was a fucking murderer.

I got outside and ran to my red bike.  Red like her blood on the concrete. I got on quickly, kicked the stand back and rode away like the damn wind. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Her body deformed as hell, her blood splattered everywhere, her exposed bone- I gagged on my nausea and shivered from the cold wind in my face and from the thought. I was dreading the day were the news would one day tell the world “Jessica Wheeler, killed by Betty Rose!” and it would show my face and tell them of the crime I had committed. Tell them of the sinful deed I had done. I rode into the backyard and jumped off of my bike, running to the back door immediately.

I bolted upstairs and into my red painted room, straight to the also red painted bathroom and vomited into  the toilet. I clutched the sides of the toilet as almost everything I ate today was thrown up in the white toilet. My stomach and throat began to ache a bit before I finished. I coughed up anything remaining in my mouth and straightened up with a gasp of air. I flushed the disgusting mixture and pushed myself away from the toilet to the wall and stared at the wall. I loved the color red. I didn’t love when it was spread over Jessica Wheeler’s body and the ground around it.

I got up and left the bathroom with heavy footsteps, turning off the light and closing the door. I muttered the word “fuck” over and over to myself as I dropped onto my bed. The Red sheets and blanket gave me a sense of happiness and comfort I didn’t think i’d be able to bet ever again. It felt nice. I felt calm. I stared at the pale pink light stars  stars on my ceiling from my star lamp. I checked my phone and saw two things. It was 9:35pm and a new text from Instagram.

Message from Talis.
Goodnight, Betty.”


end of chapter two.

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