Chapter 45: Can we panic now?

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Hanzo groaned. Shizuka's and Ýri's fighting has become a common thing in the Overwatch base during the past weeks. They were already at it again, when Genji and he entered the hall for some lunch. The brothers only heard the last bits of yelling before Ýri suddenly stormed off looking green.

»What was that about?«, Genji asked just as puzzled as Hanzo felt.

»She is angry because Shizuka gave her a long-term mission ban«, Brigitte answered. »I would very much like to know why though.«

Shizuka kept her stern expression. »None of your business.« The Hikari walked out after the raging Viking.

»This is all very strange«, Brigitte said and spoke out loud what Hanzo had been thinking.

He watched after them worried.

What is wrong with her? This going on for long enough now. Especially how she is constantly trying to avoid me lately ...

He sat down on what was Ýri's usual place and stared at her half-emptied plate. Wait ... She ate apples? But she hates apples!


»Hm?« His brother looked up as if Hanzo had interrupted one of his secret mind-conversations he used to have with Shizuka ever since their wedding. Something that made Hanzo quite jealous ...

»Can't you try to find out anything?«, Hanzo asked his brother. »Clearly your woman and Ýri are hiding something. And it worries me. Deeply.«

Genji choked. »I-I am sure it is nothing. Just a cold.«

»Liar«, Hanzo growled. »You just found out something, didn't you?«

So it is not only Ýri obviously keeping something important from me. No, my brother knows and keeps silent as well.

»I am not hungry«, Hanzo declared and left the hall.

She started to avoid him. She started making up excuses, when he tried to sleep with her. She started avoiding even talking to him.

Does she have enough of me? Does she want to break up?, Hanzo asked himself, when he reached the practice range. Cold fear crept up upon him.

When did this all start? Why didn't I notice that we were breaking apart? Heavens, what have I done wrong?

It all started shortly after his brother's wedding, if he recalled it right. From then she started behaving weirder and weirder and so did his dragon-wolves.

But why? We just had amazing sex that night and never really quarreled before. Well, not seriously. Hanzo shook his head. He missed arrow after arrow.

»My, my. You must have a lot on your mind.«

Hanzo looked back. The snake of his brother was standing there.

»Just tell me«, Hanzo said taking aim again. »Does she want to leave me?«

»Huh? Why would she?«, Genji seemed confused.

»I feel it, Genji ... and it breaks my heart ... «, Hanzo admitted after another arrow missed its target.

»Oh, you have a heart?«, his brother asked in a very unfitting sarcastic tone.

»Goddammit, I love her! More than anything in this world! So of course it does!«, Hanzo yelled.

»You do?«, Genji seemed surprised. »And does she know that as well?«

»I-« Hanzo let his bow sink. In fact he had never told her that he loved her. Deeply. With every bone in his body and every drop of blood in his veins. With his whole being. And why wouldn't he? All his thoughts involve her in some form now. Always. Every second.

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