Chapter 9: First Night

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Deafening silence swallows the entirety of the Great Hall. They couldn't believe their ears, Harleyn Potter, The-Girl-Who-Lived, Defeater of Lord Voldemort, and Survivor of the Killing Curse has just been resorted into Slytherin and according to the Sorting Hat, it was her original house.

The newly-sorted Slytherin gets up from the stool. She gives her former headhouse a final goodbye before moving to return to her seat at the Slytherin Table. Draco was the first one to snap out of his initial shock and began to clap. Almost immediately, the other Slytherins followed his lead, and the entire Slytherin Table erupts in applause. 

"Merlin, Harley, you never told me you were supposed to be sorted into Slytherin," Draco says, as Harley sat back down beside him.

"In my defense, I never actually thought that there'd come a day where I'd regret asking to be sorted into Gryffindor and you never asked, so..." Harley trails off sheepishly.

"Why ask to be sorted into Gryffindor in the first, did you seriously think of Slytherin so badly?" Daphne asks, bringing to life the question they were all curious to here the answer to. 

"The first time I heard of Slytherin was from Hagrid and he isn't exactly the biggest fan of our house so yeah,  I was terrified of becoming a Slytherin because said that Slytherin was an evil house and witches from Slytherin are cruel and wicked as well" Saying those words out loud, Harley felt ashamed. How could she judge an entire house just because of one mans words?

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be" Pansy shakes her head, she had a look of acceptance on her face as if this wasn't the first time she's had this conversation. "You wouldn't be the first and nor will you be the last to believe those rumors so don't apologize"

"She's right," Blaise adds from besides Draco, drawing Harley's attention to him. "You know better now, besides you're a Slytherin now and it wouldn't be right to pick fights with you, it's against the rules"

Harley's brows furrowed in confusion. "Rules? What rules?" 

Blaise's lips twitched and Daphne groans. She reaches into her sleeve and pulls out a small bag of money before tossing it to Blaise with an annoyed expression on her face. Blaise grins and Harley grows even more confused. "Am I missing something here? What's going on?"

Draco snickers, shaking his head at thier antics, "Just a little bet between them, nothing big" Seeing her confusion remain, he adds. "You'll understand later in the common room"

Harley pursed her lips, she didn't like excluded from information like this but seeing how Draco continued to eat, she knew she wouldn't get any information out of him until later. So she sighed and continued on to finish her meal, the faster she ate, the faster she would get to her new common room and the faster she would get answers.

Luckily for Harley, they were already halfway through dinner when she was resorted and by the time she was finished her plane, the others appeared to have finished as well. She could barely contain her excitement, in just a few moments she would finally get answers.

Harley stands up from the table, but before she could take a single step Draco stops her.

"Wait the first years aren't finished yet" Draco says, eying the number of First Year Slytherins that were rushing to shove the remaining food on their plates in their mouths as graceful as they could after seeing her stand up.

Harley stopped in her tracks and sat back down, only then did the First Years start to calm down. She looks around to look at the members of Draco's group and notes how they didn't seem to be alarmed by the First Years earlier behavior. As if it wasn't anything new to them.

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