Chapter 2

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The bell...

I was getting deeper into it too!

I was getting to the part where they start to introduce the main character to a hot guy!

God, I wish that could happen to me...

Yeah, I'm a hidden gay...

I saved the document, and headed to my first class.

When I sat down in my English class, I watched the kids pile in one by one, and take their seats.

When the bell rang for classes to start, our English Teacher, Mrs. Cruz, headed up to the board, and announced, "I hope you guys have your ideas ready! Because remeebr what I told you last time?"

Oh yeah!

We're supposed to be creating a short story for our assignment!

She also said we'll be taking four classes to write it!

As some kids brought out their laptops, some kids groaned. Mostly, the jocks...

It doesn't matter how big their dick is, or how hot they are, I will FOREVER HATE jocks...

They suck!

I brougbt out my laptop, and oepend up a word document.

"OK, now, I will call on you, and you will tell me what genre your story will be." She stated and brought out her attendance sheet. "Adrian."

Why do I have to be the first one?


"Thriller." I sattaed.

"Wow! Taking the challenge!" She stated. "I like it!"

I'll probably get some good ideas from reading Verity...

As she was asking all the other students, I was busy on LucidChart, planning out my scenes.

If there is anything you learn from talking with New York Times Bestselling Authors, is that you ALWASE plan out your book!

How do you think I got Verity?

I was at The Bookworm Box, where she sold me the SIGNED book!

If someone does anything with this piece of gold, I will kill them!

As I was planning out my chapters, Mrs. Cruz was done collecting genres, and let us write.

Okay, I didn't write for the ENTIRE TIME.

It was only the last theirty minutis that I actualy started to write.

I planned out all my chapters sucesfully, but she's in fir a surprise...

It's going to be WAY Longer than a short story.

It's prooblay going to have about 30 chapters...

Before the bell rang, Mrs. Cruz tols us our homework was to finish the first chapter of our story. She gave us a specific word count, and the bel rang.

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