First kick

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One day while you and Steve were watching tv in the living room you felt a kicking sensation near your ribs. When it didn't stop you placed your right hand on your bump and felt a kick.

"Steve, our baby is kicking." You told him.

"That's nic- wait? WHAT?!" He asked you loudly.

"Relax, it's normal for the baby to kick. It means that he or she is healthy." You said as you calmed him down.

"Can I feel?" He asked you curiously.

"Sure." You said as you showed him where to put his hands.

When the baby started kicking his hands he had a huge smile on his face. He never thought that he'd ever get to feel a baby kick his hands. It was a little strange to him, but a good strange.

"Wow, he or she is really kicking." Steve said in amazement.

"Yeah, they are." You said as you sighed in content.

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