Day 1 in Arkansas

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Luke's POV
Today is the day that I have been waiting for. I'm taking the kids to Magic Springs and they don't know yet, they know we are going somewhere that has water but they don't know we are going to Magic Springs & Crystal Falls. So it's 7:00 A:M and I'm getting up to take a shower and then going to wake the boys up and tell them to get ready and then have them go wake up the girls.

I have gotten a shower and I went to the boys and said " WAKE UP WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YALL" so the boys jumped up and got their clothes on and I said "WHEN YALL GET DRESSED THEN YALL GET TO GO WAKE THE GIRLS UP" so the boys get dressed and run next door and yell "GIRLS GET UP WE ARE GOING SOMEWHERE", so all the girls except Brittany and Brook get up, and get dressed and go outside and Sebastian says to Loretta "where's Brittany" and she says "She is still asleep" and so Sebastian goes in the room and says "BRITTANY AND BROOK WAKE UP OR YALL ARE GONNA STAY HERE WHILE WE GO HAVE FUN" and then Brittany and brook jump up and get ready and run outside and they say "HOW COME NO-ONE WOKE US UP" and I say I told the boys to come wake y'all up and the boys said I did I woke all the other girls up how did y'all not here me.

It is currently 8:00 A:M We are on the bus headed to Magic Springs. It is 30 minutes away from the motel, so while we were driving the kids were in the back deciding what rides they were gonna ride.

8:30 A:M
We are finally at magic springs, we are unloaded the bus and walking to the gate.

8:45 A:M
We are walking into the gate and I say meet me at the gate at 5:50 P:M, because we are leaving at 6:00 P:M.

I am letting the kids go together and then me and Caroline are gonna go ride some rides.

Loretta's POV
We were walking down the sidewalk to get to the rides when I say "Which ride do y'all wanna ride first" when BO says "sissy I wanna ride the Arkansas Twister first" and so we all walk to the Arkansas twister, and Ethan and jadyn didn't want to ride the ride so they stayed and watched us ride it, and Landon and Brook say we wanna sit in the front, and then Dawson and Kevin sit in the row 2 rows behind Landon and Brook because they didn't want to be in the very front, and then me and Tate sit in the row behind Dawson and Kevin, and then bo and Brittany sit in the row behind us and then David and Sebastian sat in the row behind Bo and Brittany. So the ride is going and we are climbing up the hill and Tate says "Sissy I think I'm gonna die I've never rode this ride before" and I say "bubba your not gonna die I'm gonna make sure of it" and then Dawson starts laughing at Tate because he's scared and I said Dawson he's scared and he said oh I'm sorry buddy. We finally got off the ride and Tate said "SISSY I SURVIVED" and I said "TATE I TOLD YOU THAT YOU WOULDN'T DIE" and then he said yay I wanna ride that ride again sissy and I said maybe later. So we are all walking down the sidewalk to go to the second ride and i ask what's next and Brittany says "THE GAUNTLET" and so we all walk to the gauntlet and Brittany says "ALL THE COUPLES HAVE TO SIT TOGETHER" and Bo and Tate say "We don't wanna ride this ride because it goes upside down" and we say we know bubba you are gonna stay with Ethan and Jadyn because they don't wanna ride it either, so we all walk to the Gauntlet and Dawson says
"me and Loretta are sitting in the the very front of the gauntlet" and so we get to the ride and me and dawson sit in the very front of the ride, and then Sebastian and Brittany sit behind us and then Landon and brook sit behind them. So we are getting ready to start the ride and Dawson says "Loretta are you gonna get scared do you need to hold my hand? I said I'm not gonna get scared but Yeahh I'll hold your hand, and then I hear laughing behind us and notice that sebestian told brittany the same thing and I told brittany to look and see if Landon told brook the same thing and sure enough he did. So we were all holding hands during this ride and I was like this is going to be fun, and then the ride started and we went upside down and I screamed and Dawson says" I thought you weren't gonna be scared and I said I'm not scared it's just I scream every time I go upside down" so the ride is finally over and we get off the ride and we are all still holding hands, and Bo and Tate go we wanna ride the plummet summit. And so we walk to the plummet summit and Landon, Brook, Loretta, Bo, Dawson, and Kevin sat on the first row and then Jadyn, Ethan, Tate, Brittany,Sebastian, David sat on the second row and we were riding the ride fixing to go down the hill where you get splashed and Bo looks at Dawson and says "my sissy is fixing to get soaked in water" and sure enough I got soaked with water. So the ride was over and we all got off and were walking to go to another ride and we say what ride next? And Sebestian says The Log Ride and we get to the ride and Sebestian, Brittany, Tate, and David went on the first log, then Dawson, Bo, Loretta, and Kevin went on the second log, and then Ethan, Jadyn, Landon and Brook went on the third log. We were all finished with the ride and it is currently 10:10 and we have decided to go to the Lazy river until 12 so we are all swimming in the lazy river and we made 5 laps around the lazy river and then we got out and it was 12:00 p:m and we all decided to go eat at the concession stands, and we all got a hot dog and a bag of chips. It is 1:00 and we have ate and let the food settle and now we are gonna go ride some rides or something. We have all decided to go ride the water slides and so we ride them until like 3:00 p:m, so all the big kids have decided to go ride the kiddy rides with Bo and Tate, so from 3:00- 4:00 p:m we go ride the kiddy rides and we let Bo and Tate pick so at 4:00 p:m and from 4-5 pm we go walk around and look at the different gift shops and candy shops. And then at 5 we decide to go ride the Arkansas twister again and then we got off that ride at 5:30 and we decide to head to the gate, so we won't be late and when we arrive at the gate Mom and Dad are already there and so we all decided to go ahead and load up and head back to the hotel

Dawson's POV
We all are on the bus and the only ones that are awake are Dawson,Kevin, Ethan, and Landon so we have decided to pull a prank on the ones that are asleep( Loretta, Brook, brittany, Sebastian, David)The prank is gonna be to move their bags up to the front and when they wake up ask them if they left their bags at magic springs!

Brittany woke up first and Kevin asked her did she leave her bag at magic springs and she said "I MIGHTVE", and the next person that woke up was Sebastian and he said "LUKE WE NEED TO GO BACK TO MAGIC SPRINGS I THINK I LEFT MY BAG" and then dad said no you didn't, and then Loretta woke up and Dawson asked her Did you leave your bag at magic springs and I she said "YES I DID I THOUGHT YOU GRABBED IT" and he said no I didn't and then She said oh well I just had a towel and my swimsuit in it. Brook woke up next and Landon said did you leave your bag and she said NO I DIDNT I BROUGHT IT ON THE BUS. And the last one to wake up was David and we said did you leave your bag at magic springs and he said "YES LUKE WE NEED TO GO BACK AND LUKE SAID NO WE DONT" and so everyone fell for the prank so we go up the front and get thier bags and bring them back to them and then the ones that are asleep said that they were gonna wait until the ones that were awake go to sleep and get them when they are least expecting it.

So we arrive at the motel at 7:00 p:m and we all decide to just hang out and chill and have a good time. And All the boys fell asleep in the girls room so all the girls got a marker and wrote on the faces of the boys. Down below is a list of what the girls wrote on the boys face

Dawson- your mine—-sincerely unknown
Sebastian- love you—- sincerely unknown
Ethan- love-bug
Landon- love you—- sincerely unknown
Kevin— your mine—- sincerely unknown
David— your cute—- by mystery person

So the boys wake up and notice that they have writing on their faces and Dawson goes to Loretta and says did you write UR MINE on my face and she said NO I was talking to mom and when I came back in here I saw that all of y'all had writing on yalls faces. Sebestian went to Brittany and said did you write I LOVE YOU and she said Noo I went to the store with dad and when I came back I noticed that y'all had writing on yalls faces, and then the other girls said I didn't write on yalls faces because we went to go get Dinner at Wendy's so some mystery people came in here and wrote on yalls faces. And the boys were mad and tried to get it off their faces but they couldn't because it was permanent marker but to get it off they had to scrub it off their face.

Luke's POV
after we ate dinner I told the kids they could stay up as long as they wanted but when they were going to sleep to come back to their room, they were playing monopoly when I went in the room to check on them and then I went back to my room to talk to Caroline.

2:00 A:M
The boys were tired so they all went back to thier room and layed down and watched tv and then fell asleep.

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