Sadness and Fail

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~5 Years Old~
It's been a year Daddy, I really really miss you. Mommy says your safe now, in a beautiful place called heaven.

We had your favorite dinner tonight. I ate it all! Even though I don't like potatoes.

I learned how to swim this summer and I can even open my eyes when I'm under the water...

Can you see me?
I miss you daddy...

~10 Years Old~
It's been 5 years daddy.

I'm in the fifth grade! I really like computers but, math is hard. Mommy lets me sleep in one of your tee shirts. I think it still smells like you.

I don't need to sleep with the light on anymore. I try not to cry daddy but it still hurts. I really miss you daddy.

But it feels like I don't belong with mommy...
Can you see me?

~18 Years Old~
It's been 7 years father. I know who you really are. I know I am not your daughter. I'm not mothers daughter either. I don't belong here.

Mother abuses me all the time now. But I'm eighteen now I can do what I want. But I don't wanna be Alive anymore.

Do you see what this life has done to me? Why didn't you tell me about who I really am?

Can you see me father
Can you see my pain?
I don't miss you anymore father...

I look at the water running under the bridge. I grip the edge of the bridge railing. I sigh shakily and see the water crash. I see the hard deathly rocks.

I haven't heard any cars drive by so I know it's a good time. I stand on the bricks and steady myself. I look down at the water for the last time. I wiped away the tears in my eyes and sighed.

I put my hair in a bun and pray a little. I then jumped. Into the river of blue. The hard rocks hit me hard. The waves are moving rapidly.

I try to get out but the water clogged up my throat. And I start to drown. In my own sorrow and misery. I look at the ground on the outside of the river.

A figure stands their and I see deep blue eyes. He had tears in his eyes. He looks like me but manly. He runs towards the water and try's to get to me.

I try to reach for him but I couldn't. I looked around and saw a big rock. I tried to move but I couldn't move. I just let it happen and I blacked out. But before I did I felt arms pull me out.

I tried and I failed.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

That was the only sound I heard when I woke up. I felt my head and looked around the room. I see the blue eye boy on his phone.

He is freaking out for some reason I don't know about. I moved the best I can and poked his arm. He looks up at me and I look at him.

He smiled widely and hugged me. I screamed and moved away. I looked at all of the marks and dried blood. The boy looks at me while I shake in fear.

I look up at him with hateful eyes and whisper "Why?" He looks at me and said "Because you are important to me." I shook my head 'no' and he frowned.

I looked down at my hands and fiddled with my nails. "But An-" i Smack him and press the nurse button. He touched his face and I shook my head.

The nurse walked in and I told her to take him. She nodded and dragged him out. I look at the phone by the bed and pick it up. I dial her number and put it to my ear.

She's gonna beat me when I get home I know it. I lay in the bed and hear the shouting outside the door. I know it's that boy trying to fight the guards.

After awhile it goes quiet outside and I hear a sweet beautiful vocie. It's weird how I know this vocie. But I think I heard it when i was younger.

It's not my 'evil' mothers vocie it's like a angel singing. I sit up and press the nurse button. She comes in and I ask for who ever is taking out their.

She's nodded and she called for the woman. The lady walked in and she smiled.

I smiled and said "Where have I heard your vocie before?" She smiled and giggled very quietly. She waked up to the bed and takes my hand in hers.

She turns over my wrist and points to my birthmark. It's two small freckles on my wrist. She showed me hers and we have the same freckles.

I smiled and said "I knew she wasn't my really mother." After that statement I hear from outside.

"I'm the fucking prince of Australia! I should see my bloody sister!" My eyes widened and I look at the lady.

She smiled and told me to sleep. I nodded and turned into my side. The light turned off and the door shut. I start to fall asleep when I hear a vase being broken.

I rolled my eyes and just thought about what the boy said. Who does he think he is? A Prince? Even if he is he shouldn't always get what he wants. But I do wonder about what else he said.

See his sister? He's either talking about me or some other girl next door. But i just have this feeling it's me...

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