The beggining of the end

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As he felt the claws press across his neck, his world went fuzzy. He heard a faint whisper 'my secret will never EVER be let ou.........'. His world went black. "What now?" He thought. He forced his eyes open and got up. Looking down he saw his dead body, laying motionless on the bank. Water lapped over the well-muscled gray fur, the blood still spilling from his neck. He gave a shiver and looked up. There, stalking away was his now-arch nemesis, Holleyleaf.

He felt a snarl rising in his throat as he watched her prowl away. He wanted to chase her, chase her far far away, then torture her 'till she apologized. But he couldn't do that, he had to go somewhere. Starclan, the Dark Forest, The Tribe of Endless Hunting, anywhere, but not here. The gray cat sat and looked up, waiting for someone or THING to come. Nothing.

Finally, a large cat slowly appeared in front of him. He was big, not fat, but just big, with white fur and calm eyes. Immediately Ashfur recognized the white warrior. It was Whitestorm!

But Whitestorms gaze was not freindly. It was worried. "Whats wrong," Ashfur inquired, in a cool tone. "Its.....its Starclan....... They REALLY don't want you to...... Want you to......," Whitestorm stuttered, looking at his paws. "WHAT," yelled Ashfur. Still, Whitestorm hesitated. Ashfur, clearly agitated, groaned and sat on the floor. "What is IT!" He meowed. Whitestorm looked up, watery-eyed and sad " I went against it, but....but.....," he meowed sadly "They want to drive you out of Starclan."

Ashfur stared at him. Really???? he thought but all he said was "no biggy," and sat down to wash his paw. Whitestorm stared at Ashfur with bewilderment. "Ashfur," he started "don't you understand that your a clan cat, and you would either go to Starclan or No where?!?"

Ashfur gave him a hard stare, then turned back to washing. "Yeff..... i dtho know at," he meowed then looked up. " Whats so bad about it?" Ashfur asked. "Look," mewoed Whitestorm. "If you go to Starclan, then they will welcome you, but in this case, they hate you." Whitestorm began " If you go to the Dark Forest, you'll be tortured." If you go no-" Whitestorm got interrupted by the groan of boredom in front of him. Ashfur looked at him. "Can't I just go to Starclan and see for myself?!? Pleeeeeease!!" Ashfur whined.

Whitestorm looked at Ashfur. He was currently on his back in a pile of dust and was looking at him with puppy eyes. Whitestorm grunted and meowed "Fiiiiiiine." Ashfur happily bounded toward him and pressed himself against Whitestorms flank and stared at him paciently. Whitestorm gave a lond sigh and meowed "Come on Ashfur, this way."



Yayayayayaayayyayayayayaay I just added on to the story and I need charecters! Please someone help me with this, It WILL be apprechiated. I am almost 100% sure that if you comment ideas or characters I will so happily add them. Hope you enjoy! Comment any ideas or charecters u would like me to add, and theyll appear!

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- @nibblecat1

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