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"Come on almost there!" Whitestorm called. Ashfur was scrabbling up the last panel. His claws were worn and he could of sworn that he had more wounds than in a battle with Riverclan over the Sunningrocks (if you don't read warriors, you won't understand most of the things in this book). He clambered onto the platform and looked underneath his paws. He was high. VERY high. His vision went dizzy, and he looked up and backed away from the ledge, bumping into Whitestorm. "Scared," meowed Whitestorm, with a tint of pleasure in his voice. "No...o," he stuttered. Whitestorm gave a chuckle and padded toward a treetop. Right before he touched it, he disappeared. Ashfur's eyes widened. He slowly padded the way that Whitestorm did. But right before he touched it he slipped and fell. Ashfur wanted to yowl, wail, scream, but he couldn't. He slammed his eyes shut and wondered if dead cats could die again. Then, something caught him, more like he was floating. Slowly he opened his eyes and turned himself on his paws as he slowly and lightly floated down to his paws. When he was safely on ground, he felt the force that had caught him whisp away. Right when it did though, he fell to the ground, his legs not wanting to support his weight anymore (kind of like when your first time getting off of a horse). He got up shakily and looked in front of him. It looked like...... like he'd fallen into another world.


Sorry for the suspense, guys, but I wont be writing for a little 'cause its monday, and I gotta go to school *groan*. Hope you enjoy it! Comment ideas and charecters and any questions you'd like me to answer!

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