Going From <3 to </3 ...

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A topic I've found myself helping friends through a lot lately is heartbreak: the worst pain a person could possibly go through. People always say "well time heals" but then you start to question how much time? Because, personally, the first thing I usually feel is literally nothing. Like, I feel numb to everything. Almost like, am I supposed to feel sad? And thennnnn a couple minutes later the hysteria kicks in. The "oh no what happened? Did that really just happen? Why? What did I do wrong?" Hytersia. And usually the answer to all those questions is, again, nothing!

Here's my problem: I always seem to find a way to blame myself. Like, it's weird because deep down I know that I didn't do anything wrong, it just didn't work out.

To guys and girls, heartbreak is so inevitable. There's no way around it, literally. And I know how you're feeling. It's almost like apart of you is gone and you don't know what to do with yourself, am I right?

It's okay to cry, it's okay to be sad, hell it's okay to flip stuff! Just make sure to stay in control. Don't go completely crazy over it, but getting anger and hurt out by tearing at the wallpaper that annoys you couldn't hurt anyone.

Another thing: Don't stay mad, forgive that person.

I don't care rather it was cheating or an honest 'this is not working out' #1 thing FORGIVE THEM. Don't you remember the saying forgive and forget? Well, screw the forget part, I don't think you can honestly ever forget having your heart broken. But forgiveness is a must. Wanna know why?

If you stay mad, you're just mad. Your other half? They've moved on. They're now free to do whatever they want, see whoever they want, and that's not your problem anymore. The only thing that will be your problem is the pain you feel after you're done being mad. I'm telling you all, it's just not worth it.

Again, heartbreak is inevitable, but it's also a learning experience. Learn, and move on.

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