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When I point out play Love, by Kendrick Lamar.

Lauren's POV

"I called my cousin to pick us up," I said.

"What happened to your car?"

"Concrete from the building fell on it," I said with a frown.

Camila frowns, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," I whisper.

I hear a car pull up and see the window roll down.

"Uber for Lauren Jauregui," Shawn jokes.

"Shut up!" I chuckle and help Camila into the car.

I get in and Shawn locks the doors. He turns up the radio a little and I look at Camila. (Play song)

I get more comfortable as the song starts. I look at Camila again when it said "Love or Lust." Camila is looking down at her lap the entire time.

"Camila," I whisper.

"Yeah?" She looks up.

My eyes meet her's as we stare into each other's eyes. Shawn is focused onto the road not even paying attention to us one bit. I scoot closer to her and lift her chin.

"I want to kiss you so bad," I whisper.

"I want to kiss you too."

I lean closer to her lips as they meet. The familiar spark forming from earlier when she kissed me while I was Wonder Woman. Our lips move in sync to the beat of the music. I pull Camila closer to me as the kiss gets more tense. Camila cups my face roughly kissing me with just as much of aggression.

I tug the hem of her shirt but try pulling her onto my lap. The car stops and Shawn speaks up.

"I have to get a few things," He smirks.

He gets out and I turn back to Camila.

"Now I have you all to myself," I smile my hand slowly going down her body.

Camila pecks my lips, "I want you."

I smile pulling her closer to me. I adjust myself so my knee is between her legs.

"I want you too," I whisper against her lips.

I press my lips with her's with a tender kiss making us both moan in unison. I press my hand on her center and she tugs my shirt.

"Take it off," She whispers breathlessly.

I do as she told me and take my shirt off. I go back down her body leaving no space between us. I lift her chin up moving her head to the side so I can have more space to access her neck. Camila moans as I press my lips onto her neck.

"God Lauren."

I start slowly grinding against her making me release a sharp breath.

"Lauren," Camila whispers.


She stays silent and I smirk. I do one hard thrust against her and she releases a moan. I look out the window and see we are in front of my house. I smile at how Shawn always thinks ahead of me. Shawn always knows what I'm thinking, we grew up together and he knows how I work.

I was gonna lift Camila's shirt up but she stops me.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I don't know if I'm ready," She says.

"What do you mean?" I asked, "Wait... Are you a-"

"Yes," Camila bites her lower lip nervously.

"I'll be easy," I whisper reassuringly, "You just have to trust me, do you?"

"I trust you," Camila whispers.

I press my lips against her's making us both smile. I slowly travel my kisses down her neck as she releases moans.

"I'll take it easy," I reassure her, "Just don't worry."

"I don't have to because it's you."

I look up at her once and smile. I lower Camila's skirt revealing her panties. I kiss her waistline grinding slowly against her body. I pull her skirt down then her panties. I release hot breaths onto her center. She moves her hips forward closer to my lips making me smile.

I stick my tongue out hitting her clit. Camila's hand goes behind my head pulling me where she wants me the most. My hands slowly go down her body making me smile.

"How do people not want to call you back after a date, your so beautiful," I whisper and she looks at me.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are, extremely," I whisper.

I kiss her center once and she presses her center against my lips.

"You think so?"

"I can show you?" I said.

"Show me then," Camila whispers.

I take her panties completely off and she adjusts lightly. I press two of my fingers at her entrance and she moans.

"Is this your first time with a girl or in general?"

"In general," Camila says.

"It's gonna be different with a girl than from a boy," I whisper.

"I don't care just make my first time magical," Camila says.

"I will I promise you."

I slowly enter two fingers into her center making her hold in her breath. I pump slowly in and out as she starts moaning uncontrollably. Her hand tightens around my hair as she pulls me up. She eagerly tries finding my lips until she does pulling me into an intense, sloppy kiss.

The pace of my fingers slow a little as it follows the beat. I grind lightly against her mentally singing to the song making me smile. She tightens around my fingers as it gets harder to pump them in.

"Are you close?"


She doesn't finish her sentence when threads of cum release. I smile and help her ride out her orgasm. Once done I pull out completely. Another song starts and I sit up turning the car off. I lay back down next to Camila and she smiles. I pull her onto my body kissing her forehead.

"That's was..." She catches her breath, "Amazing."

"This is how you imagined it?"

"Not in a car but it was as equal as magical as I knew it was gonna be," She smiles up at me.

"I'm glad," I smile, "Now I'll call in your work tomorrow so you can recover from the tragedy."

"Are you sure just the tragedy?" Camila smirks.

"Hm ok."

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