The Separable Soul

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Death the Kid takes a measuring tape and measures my proportions. "You're even more symmetrical than Liz and Patti. But just you.. You won't do as my weapon. It is nothing to do with you, but it must be symmetrical."
"But you don't even know what I am, or what I can do!"
"Then show me!" He smirks devilishly.
"Right!" I transform. Two twin pistols.
"But, how?" Kid takes them in his hands, shocked senseless.
"I'm able to separate my soul in half to create two weapons. You like?"
"I like? I love it!!" He exclaims. I transform back.
"I haven't done that in a while, Kid." He touched my face gently with his fingertips. "K-Kid..."
"Shh... it's okay, I promise," he coos. "I won't hurt you."
Even though I'm afraid, I'll trust him, he's my best friend. I feel that his words are truth, that he would never hurt me. He seems to be hesitating, holding something back from me.
"Don't hold back!" I yell. "Please, don't! If you want me to know something, or feel something, don't hesitate. Do what it takes, please?"
Death the Kid gasps at my remark. "Oh, you silly little Spirit," he chuckles. He draws me closer only to embrace me. "I'm glad I finally have my best friend back, and now she's finally my perfect symmetrical weapon of purity. A newborn angel of death."
"You think I could be an angel?"
"How else would you be here, my dear? It is simply fate that your father was the impudent bastard he always has been. It is fate that they sent you here, because I'm going to make you my Death Scythe." He whispers in my ear, his tone of voice consuming my consciousness.
"Sleep well, my beautiful Spirit." He catches my limp body and lays down beside me, caressing my hair. His grip around me tightens. "I will never let you go, and I will never let you die. I swear on my life, I will protect you."
The night passes by. At about 3a.m., Lord Death comes in to check on Kid.
"Kid, are you- HUH?" He notices me sleeping right beside his son. "Hmm.. Is that- Spirit?" He leaves the room and closes the door quietly.
'What shall I do? I'll let them be for now. But this is not going to end well unattended.'
I wake up with a heavy weight around my arms. My eyelids flutter open, to see Death the Kid with his arms around me, in his bed. Kid is holding me so close, but why?
"Good morning, my beautiful Spirit," Kid mumbles and tightens his grip a little. But I relax into it because its actually kinda nice. "Good morning, Death the Kid." I smile sleepily. My eyelids shoot open at the sudden realization. "We're going to be late for school!"
I start rushing to get my things and he stay right behind me. "I can get us there faster with my skateboard. Climb on."
I climb on behind him and hug him from behind, holding tightly so I don't fall off.
He smirks and licks his lips, as we glide away through the halls and alleys toward the Academy.
"Hey, it's Kid and Spirit together AGAIN." Maka says to Soul. Soul's red eyes spot me and light up.
"Spirit! Hey, what's up?"
He approaches me and hugs me. I can feel Maka's glare on me, and Kid's glare on Soul.

"I have to go meet with Spirit before class starts. Gotta go," I say.

"You hang out with my dad?!" Maka yells.

"Yeah. Maybe if you would stop being a whiny little bitch about your father's past and his mistakes, you would understandhow much of a caring father Spirit actually is. He treats me like a daughter,like his own flesh and blood, and at least I actually treat him like he matters." I storm off through the hallways to find Spirit, leaving behind me a sorry and pitiful Maka.

"Spirit, have you talked to my father lately?" I ask, finding him talking to Professor Stein outside of a classroom.

"Oh, uh, yeah. He and your mother send their endless love and compassion as well as support on the Super Written Exam next week. As do I," he replies.

"Thanks, Spirit!" I hug him and retreat just in time for Kid to show up.

"Follow me! Before class starts." He runs down a few corridors and then into a hall where the ceiling is lined with the blades of a guillotine about every foot and a half or so.

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to reacquaint you with the man that split us apart."

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