First Day At The Death Weapon Meister Academy

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I wake up to my annoying alarm to get ready for school. I put on the new outfit I bought, grab my black and white skull covered messenger bag, and leave. Pulling my hood over my eyes, I walk up the massive staircase. All of the people start jumbling together.. whispering in each others ears. First day here and everyone's eyes are on me.
"Black*Star, wait!" A tall thin girl chases behind him, blushing a bit. I pay no attention to either of them and continue walking inside. I have a schedule for my classes, first I need to go see Spirit, the only Death Scythe in Death City, my namesake. Then afterwards, I go to the Crescent Moon Room.
I continue to walk down the hall until I can sense Spirit's soul. Not a lot of weapons are able to do that, but my father taught me how. "Spirit?" I ask.
"That would be me." A man with a grey shirt and black coat with a black tie turns to face me, his red hair swaying as he turns to face me.
"That would be me as well," I mutter.
"Oh," he says. "I'll get Soul to show you around," he smiles at me.
"Don't you have a daughter?"
"Please don't ask me that! My dear Maka will never love me!" He goes on about how his precious daughter hates him and she won't talk to him so he HAS to ask Soul for help.
"Soul!" He calls out at a white haired boy.
"Yeah?" He asks looking up at the two of us. "Woah, Mr. Death Scythe, sir. Isn't she a bit... young.. for you?"
"She is a new student you thick-skulled twit."
"You want me to show her around, huh?" Soul smirks with pointed teeth. Spirit nods and walks away as quickly as possible.
"Okay, then... What's your name?" He asks, grabbing my hand and leading me through the halls.
"Oh, like Maka's dad? That's cool. Why are you here?"
"My parents named me after the Death Scythe, Spirit Albarn. They are determined to make me a Death Scythe as well. So they abandoned me and sent me here." I mutter and look down at my shoes.
"I'm gonna be a Death Scythe too. Do you have a Meister yet?" I shake my head. "Don't worry, you'll get a Meister soon." He smiles at me once more and holds my hand tighter. "Well, this is all of it. It was nice meeting you. Oh and uh, one more thing," he says then grabs my butt. He lets go and walks away.
That perv! Ugh.. and on my FIRST day. I reach behind me to the back pocket of my skirt and pull out a slip of paper. Soul's number? Hah, original.
I continue on through the halls when the bell rings. Time to go to the Crescent Moon Room.
I enter and take a seat beside Soul. "Hey!" he says and hugs me. The girl beside him must me Maka. A noticeable surge of jealousy emanates from her at the sight. "Maka, this is Spirit. She's the new weapon everyone has been talking about."
"H-hi.." Maka growls through clenched teeth. A boy with all black clothes with white patches and a skull pendant on his collar takes a seat to my left. His.. his hair, it is the same as mine, but the stripes are on the left side instead of the right.
I stare wide-eyed at him. "Oh my god, Spirit, you look just like Kid." Soul says.
The boy looks at me, and then everything comes back to me.
"Sp-Spirit..? It can't be," he stares. He grabs the pendant from my chest.
"I.. never took it off." I smile. His arms immediately fold around me, bringing me as close to him as humanly possible. His hand buries beneath my hair and his other hand wraps around my waist. I return the tight embrace. "God, I missed you so much, Kid."
All the while, everyone around us whispers. Kid holds my hand the entire duration of the class.
"Hey, Spirit, what's up with you and Kid?" Soul asks.
"We were childhood friends but his father moved him away, and I haven't seen him since until now."
He nods.
"Kid, where are Liz and Patti?" Maka says, finally happy that Soul isn't all over me.
"Oh," he looks down at his shoes. "They... I let them.. die. They're gone."
"What?!" Soul and Maka both exclaim.
"Sad, horrible, but true. I need new weapons. But they will never be symmetrical."
The bell rings once more. Everyone leaves except Kid and I.
"Yes, Professor Stein?" We say in unison.
"Spirit... You are in need of a Meister, and you, Kid, are in need of a weapon. You two will work together. That is all."
"Spirit, you're a weapon?" Kid asks. I nod. He takes my hand and leads me down a long hall towards the gate. He takes me to a mansion of sorts and leads me to his bedroom.

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