Chapter 1

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"Oh come on Danny! We're just going to pop in and pop out. It won't take long. I promised Mione we'd show up. She went to that fancy school and she's home now. She still hasn't met you yet. We HAVE to go."
"But I want to stay here with you." Danny pulled Clara down into his lap and craddled her, peppering her face with kisses.
Clara giggled, "Please. It'll make me happy! And if you don't come to the party I won't stay over."
"That's not fair! You always stay over on Fridays!"
"Who says we can't change it up this Friday?"
"Fine. I'll go to the stupid party with you."
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Clara pulled Danny in for a kiss. As her lips attached to his, she felt a familiar spark spreading through her as he placed his hands on her hips.
"That, is for later," she said with a wink. Danny rollled his eyes as he grabbed their coats and headed out the door.
"What kind of school did she go to? You said it was some fancy school somewhere?"
"Hogwarts," Clara said, absentmindedly on the mint gum she'd popped in her mouth.
"Never heard of it."
"That's because it's for wizards dumbo."
He almost stopped the car, but they were in the middle of 7 o'clock traffic. "Wizards?!?! Why didn't you tell me she was a bloody wizard? I just got used to The Doctor and aliens. Now you're throwing wizards at me? Clara Oswald, how many other supernatural things do you have in your closet?"
"First of all, they aren't things, they're people. And second of all, just wizards and aliens. Hermione and I met when I was with The Doctor. He used to be a professor at Hogwarts she was his favorite student. Apparently, from the letters I received, she and her friends used to get into bucket loads of trouble. The Doctor didn't mind though. She was top of her class. Some of the magical folks say she's the smartest witch of our generation. She's-"
"You mean their generation."
"No. I mean our generation. She's our age. Just because she's a witch doesn't mean she's not normal. She's just extraordinary."
"Does that mean instead of one wart on her nose she has two?"
"Danny!" Clara hit his arm as he made the turn onto Hermione's street.
"Do you want me to crash the car woman?" Danny laughed, "But it was pretty funny though. You have to admit that."
"Whatever. Pull in here. 221 Baker. Please try to act nice. I know it's hard on you. But it would mean so much if you could try and be friendly. They're nice people. I promise."
"A kiss for good luck?"
"A kiss for good luck." Clara pecked his lips sweetly before she got of the car and ran to the door. A bushy haired brunette opened the door.
"CLARA!" she screamed.
"HERMIONE!" Clara screamed back, "It's so good to see you. How was Hogwarts?"
"Come inside first. And where'e your plus one? I told you that you had to bring a date. Did you not get my owl?"

"I got it, and he's coming. He's still reeling from The Doctor so it was a struggle to get him to come here."

"Ah. I see. When'd you tell him?"
"In the car."
"You naughty girl!"
"I try."
The two girls laughed like they'd never been separated. Herminoe dragged Clara into the house. Danny still had yet to get out of the car. He was thinking about leaving but he knew he couldn't do that to Clara. He saw the two girls go into the house without him. She seems normal enough, he thought. So, he got out of the car slowly and rang the doorbell. He probably could've just walked inside because the door wasn't locked, but he wanted to make Clara proud and make a good impression in front of the "wizard people". He stood there on the door step waiting for the bookish brunette to show up, but instead a boy with white-blonde hair opened the door.
"What do you want?"
"Excuse me ghost boy but I'd like to come inside for the party."
"Were you invited?"
"My girlfriend was."
"Can I see your invitation, plus one?"
Danny heard a call from inside the house, "Come on Draco, let him in."

What kind of name is Draco? he thought. His mother must've hated him.
Draco opened the door for Danny and disappeared somewhere in the house. Danny stepped into the foyer as Clara ran up to him and grabbed his hand. "There are some people I'd like you to meet." She led him to a group sitting on the couch. A boy with dark hair and round glasses was holding the hand of a red head with freckles. Another red head with freckles had the bushy brunette, whom he assumed to be Hermione, in his lap. He turned to his right and caught a bit of the conversation between the girl with the odd glasses and the tall awkward looking boy in the corner, "It's the nargles again! They keep stealing my jewelry. It's becoming a real problem. I don't get it back for two weeks!"
These people are crazy, and what the fuck are nargles?!?! Danny thought.
"Okay guys. This is my boyfriend Danny. Danny, this is Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron. Neville and Luna are over there."
"Who's the ghost prick?" Danny asked annoyed.
"Tall, skinny, snobbish. White hair. He opened the door for me. Someone said his name was Dragon?"
"OH! You mean Draco! I forgot all about that," Hermione asnwered, "Draco was with us at Hogwarts, he was in Slytherin. He was on the side of The Dark Lord for a little while, but we talked to him. We straigthened him out the good old fashioned way." Everyone laughed. Danny stared at each one in turn, realizing it wasn't his scene. He was in a room full of wizards and his girlfriend who was well, regular, but she had abnormal, supernatural friends. Danny was pulled from his thoughts the moment Draco entered the room. He had his arm wrapped around Clara and he felt her breath hitch. Did she know him?
"Clara," Draco said with his hands in his pockets, "it's nice to meet you. I remember you stopping by with The Doctor. You were quite good at potions."
"Awww, thanks. How come we never really met?"
"I was turning up with The Dark Lord. I wasn't buddy-buddy with anyone except Death Eaters. Hogwarts kind of dusgusted me for a while."
Death Eaters? The Dark Lord? The conversation was heading in a direction that he knew nothing about but his girlfriend seemed to be more at ease than ever.
"What do you mean she was 'quite good at potions'?"
"She didn't tell you," the one named Harry commented, "When The Doctor was with us, she also took classes. She can do a few simple spells and she knows her wizard-lit perfectly. But potions, she was good at, more than that, amazing! Her potions were perfect every time."
Danny looked at his girlfriend in disbelief. There was an entirely different side to her that he didn't know about but some strange magic weilders he'd just met knew more about her than he did. What else was Clara hiding from him? Danny moved to sit on a chair in the corner since no one was really talking to him anyway. Clara wouldn't miss him, she was having too much fun with her wizards.
Draco was standing at the kitchen counter nursing a glass of pumpkin juice. His eyes watching Clara like a halk. "Do you want something snake boy?" she giggled.
Draco blushed, "Nothing. I was just're pretty, for a muggle."
"Thank you, but I'm muggle-born, pureblood boy."
"Whatever you say, muggle-born," he smiled at her fondly. At Hogwarts, he'd watched her everywhere she went, jealous of how close she was to Harry and and the others. He'd wanted to befriend her, but he figured they'd never let him near her. He was a Death Eater after all. He'd missed his chance with her at Hogwarts and now she was dating some ordinary muggle. She could so so much better than him. Draco understood that he couldn't do anything to break the two of them up; he'd just gained the trust of the others. But, he could try his hardest to make Clara see whom she needed to be with.
Danny watched the two of them from afar, jealousy boiling up inside him. He could make Clara much happier than that Draco guy. He knew it and he hoped Draco knew it too. He was getting tired of watching his girlfriend flirt in front of him.
"Clara,' he called, "we need to go. Remember? We left that pot on the on the stove?"
"Pot...yea. Pot. Why don't you go home and take care of that and I can continue to catch up. And I barely even know Draco, I'd like to get to know him much better."
Danny was dumbfounded. Clara wanted to stay with these people he hadn't even met before more than she wanted to go home with him. "Alright," he said at last, "you can stay, but I'll be back. Can't leave you here without me now can I?" He kissed her forehead and stalked out the door. Draco watched the exchange between the two lovebirds feeling slightly sick to his stomach. How could Clara do this infront of me?, he thought, but then he realized once more, she wasn't his.
"Hey Clara," he said, "maybe we should move to the couch so we can talk a bit more."
"Okay, let me get a drink first. It's been forever since I've had pumpkin juice. You can't really get it at a fish and chips place now can you?" The two of them laughed together, Clara's eyes shining bright.
"I'll grab you one. Go ahead and sit down, I'll be there in a second."
Clara sat down. All the letters Hermione had sent her about a "snobbish, entitled prick with no humility what so ever" seemed to be false. It looked like he was really trying to turn his life around.
Draco, with cup in hand, passed the cup of pumpkin juice to Clara.
"Your beverage, my lady."
"Thank you kind sir," she giggled. She took a sip, coughing, she spulttered out, "Well, that's...strong. What'd the hell did you put in it?"
"Are you trying to get me drunk Draco?" she said, her face overflowing with sarcastic shock.
"Me? Why I never. I wouldn't dream of it." In all truth, he kinda was. She was already a fun person to be around, but he wanted to get to know her when she wasn't thinking. He wanted to understand her thought processes when she threw caution to the wind. He wanted to see all of her, meet all of her and stay with that person forever. He was whipped; he knew it. It was rather pathetic, since this was actually the first time they'd ever talked.
"So," he said tentatively.
"So," she responded.
Silence. Come on Draco! THINK! If you don't talk, she's going to regret staying to talk to you. Do something!!! Draco's thoughts were racing around in his head and he didn't know which one would reign victorious. Luckily, Clara sensed his nervousness and lept to his resuce.
"It's okay. I get that you're nervous. I'm really impressed with what you're trying to do, change and stuff. I could never do that. Change who I was to be better, I mean, I'd try and I know I'd try my hardest, but I don't think I'd be able to you know, stick with it. I admire you for that."
Draco blushed, the pink contrasting sharply with his ablino features. "Thanks. But I'm sure you could do it. You're The Doctor's companion after all. If you can survive being with him, then I'm sure you could change if you ever needed to or wanted to."
Clara blushed, "Thanks. Tell me about yourself Draco. What makes you tick?"
"Well, I-"
At that moment Danny came back, interrupting Draco. "Clara!" He called, "we need to go. Bye everyone! It was nice meeting you." He dragged Clara from her seat next to Draco and towards the door while Draco looked on, a sad look in his eyes. But, Clara turned around to Draco, "Call me! We never finished our chat. Oh! And I'd like my pumpkin juice back. You can't hog it all." Clara smirked, and reached for her pumpkin juice. Draco walked towards her, drink in hand, but before he gave it to her, he took a sip. Clara raised her eyebrows before taking her cup and taking a drink from the same spot. She winked at him as her dark red lips left the cup. She turned to leave with Danny close behind. Draco stood watching them go his heart fluttering at the prospect at another encounter.

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