Chapter 10: Alien vs Predator part 4

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The group move further into the pyramid, and they come to another room. They shine their flashlights around to see more. In the room are seven ancient tables with female skeletons covered in web laying on them. 

Weyland: What is all this?

Sebastian: This is the sacrificial chamber. 

Thomas: Just like the Aztecs and the Egyptians. Whoever built this pyramid believed in ritual sacrifice. This is where the chosen ones were offered to the gods. 

Naruto shines his flashlight around the room. And he spots skulls and spines on walls, like they're trophies or something. They're all covered in web. He then looks at some of the female skeletons on the tables. Sebastian looks at one of them too.

Sebastian: Those that were chosen would lie here. They weren't bound or tied in any way. They went to die willingly. Men and women. It was considered an honor. (Looks at Lex)

Lex: Lucky them.

Naruto: Yeah. Good for them. You know what's strange though?

Lex: What?

Naruto: Look at that wall over there. 

Lex looks, and sees the skulls too. 

Naruto: Those skulls and spines were like being used as trophies or something. I mean, it would take someone with a lot of guts to take the head and spine from someone. And also, that person'd had to have a very strong grip to rip that out. 

Lex: Yeah, you're right. I guess back in ancient times, some people had very strong grips. People today have to have that rare gift when they're born.

Naruto: I think I have that gift. I've been punching things real hard during my training. 

Lex: (Smiles) You're a good kid, Naruto.

Naruto smiles back at her. He then walks back to one of the tables, where Thomas is recording ancient languages on the table. 

Thomas: "They have their the hunt could begin. 

Naruto: Hunt? What hunt?

Thomas: Don't know yet, but it's likely an ancient hunt. 

The other woman joins them. She looks at the female skeleton, and sees the hole in her chest.

Woman: What happened here?

Thomas: It's common in ritual sacrifice to take the heart of the victim. 

Naruto: Ouch. 

Woman: That's nice. But that's not where your heart is. (Looks at the skeleton) Besides, it looks like the bones were bent straight out.

Naruto: Wait. Are you saying...

Woman: Yeah. Something broke out of this body. 

Naruto frowns at this. Then, he steps on something. He looks down, and finds something shocking. He bents down, and picks it up. 

Naruto: Pops? I think I just found something. 

Price, Gaz, and Lex walk to him. They all see what he's holding in his hand. Some kind of insect, but it's unlike any they've all seen before. It has eight legs, like a spider, and a long tail. But no head. 

Price: Jeez. Ugly little insect. 

Gaz: Yeah. Looks deformed, probably a hybrid. 

Naruto: Between what?

Gaz: A spider and a scorpion, perhaps. 

Naruto frowns at this. He slowly puts it back down, and wipes his hand on his shirt. Max then moves to the middle of the room, and looks down to a strange animal symbol on the floor, with some holes around it. He takes out a glow stick, lights it on, and drops it through the symbol. He watches as it falls down through the symbol for a few seconds until it lands on another floor on another level. 

Weyland: What have you found, Max? 

Max: It's a shaft to another level. Looks like there's another room down there.

Price: Hang on. Let me see if I can reach base-camp from here. (Talks on radio) Base-camp, come in. How's it coming up there?

All he got is static. He looks at Gaz and Naruto, who frown. 

Price: Base-camp, come in. Do you copy? What's going on up there? Phillips, Lando, do you copy? Over. 

He gets static again. He frowns as he puts his radio down. 

Gaz: Where are they?

Naruto: Maybe we're too deep inside the pyramid, and our long-range radios can't reach the surface while we're in here. 

Price: Yeah, you're probably right.

Naruto looks around as people get more light on around the room. Weyland is at another door, and he shines his flashlight around. 

Weyland: Let's move to that lower room, Max.

Max: We're moving on, everyone. Miss Woods. Captain Price. 

Price, Lex, Naruto, Gaz, Sebastian, Miller, some men, and three of Price's men walk to the door. Max looks at Thomas.

Max: You. Stay here. Rousseau, you stay with him. Keep a team with you. Catalog everything. 

Price: Alright. (Looks at one of his soldiers) Corporal Banks, you and Private Jessup stay here with them. Keep an eye on them.

Banks: Yes, sir. 

Price: The three of you, you're with me, Gaz, and Naruto. 

The soldiers nod, and follow them. Thomas looks at Rousseau, who looks back at him. She walks away, and he shrugs and follows her. Naruto walks with Lex. Then, he hears from a distance. He looks around, but doesn't see anything. He keeps hearing the voice, like high screeching noise from an animal. He frowns at this. Price taps his shoulder, and tells him to keep moving. Naruto nods, and continues onward. Price tries to reach base-camp once again, but still doesn't get anything from the surface. Little do they all know, something has arrived on the island, and took out the men at the station, and are now coming into the pyramid with them.        

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