Meet the Medic

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"So, Doc, tell me how this thing works again. I think I just got confused even more."

"Urg, zee device colects all of your little bits after you get killed. Ich zen putsh zee bits back togezer like a puzhel. And it ressurects you." The Medic sighed

"Now I get it. It brings you back from the dead and gets you back in the fight."

"Yes! And I can't help you fight because I need to constantly run maintenace on ich. If I didn't, you'd be dead forezer." 

"Leaving the five of us to get killed over and over." Said Baker

"Don't vorry! Ich is mosht effective in it's ducty. Ich vill get zee job done, in approximately fifteen seconds" Said the Medic

"Why only fifteen seconds?

"Vell, erg, everyone knows zat Gabriel can not count to Tzree. Fifteen is a multiple of tzree. Do you see zee connection?"

"Yeah. And just because this random old Gabe can't count to three isn't a good reason to make the life machine take fifteen seconds to put us back together." And with that he left to join the rest of the team. "We need a team nickname."

"What, Red guys isn't enough reference for ya?" A strange new voice shouted from the top of the ramp. A soldier, clad in blue just walked right into their bunk area! Just as easilly as you could walk into your own home.

"The fuck're you doing here Blue?" grunted Cruz.

The Blue soldier smiled as he said 'Oh, just getting to know the neighbors. You gave us quite the surprise when you managed to bring back both your flag and ours. No Red ever got a double capture before."

"Fuck off you little Blue shithead! Fuck off, fuck off FUCK OFF!" roared Sergeant Cruz, drawing her pistol.

"Don't bother," sighed the Blue team member "We've got a similar system in our base. If not a superior one."

"What are you going on about Blue?" asked Philips politely.

"Good to see that somebody can still be civil, even in a hostile environment. Even if your prose has much to be desired. The reanimation after we get killed by the enemy-er-you so to speak." the Blue said cheerilly."Well, cheerio! Be seeing you chaps soon!"

As the Blue left, Cruz carefully aimed her pistol, and shot his legs off. His body dissolved into sparks that were attracted towards the Blue base. "Guess he wasn't bluffing." Grudman said, stating the obvious. That was Grudman, the kind of guy who would repeat things after you said them, and basically acted thick skulled.

Unbeknownst to our incompitent Red troopers, the Blues were ready to strike back. Their sniper had preheated his coffee and put it into an Xtreme Thermal Storage brand thermos. He had specially selected his sniper rifle's inner workings to shoot exactly where he pointed it, to a distance of 3000 metres (However unwieldy it would be at that range). He had his specially ordered $500 "Sputnik Boolet" sniper ammuntion equally portioned out. His sniping nest had been specially selected so that he could shoot nearly anywhere in the canyon with the right gun. He was ready.

To kill once more.


That's chapter 3 folks. Hope it's worth it.

i basically forgot about this for a few months, so that's why there might be a bit of a writing style jump (i learned to write more gooder)

Say whatever you will. Do whatever you will. Just tell me what I should do with this story (Except delete it. I like writing as a hobby)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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