Chapter 5

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Haylee turned and smiled at Ronald. He gently stroked her hand with his fingers.

The floor show was winding up. The band were playing a Frank Sinatra song from over two hundred years ago. The singer didn't have a bad voice. But the highlight had been Mike Mallard's comedy routine.

There'd been no chance to tell Ronald about her troubles yet. Maybe on their way back, after the show. She twisted her wristband back and forth.

The musicians bowed low to the pattering of applause. A man in a tuxedo stepped up to the stage.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you enjoyed our show tonight. Let's hear it again for the band, and for Mr Mike Mallard." The applause thundered this time. "We've had a great time, but the night isn't over yet. My name is Glen Price and I'm the cruise director here on the Jewel of the Stars. It's my pleasure to make sure you enjoy every minute of this cruise."

Ronald leaned closer to Haylee.

"That concludes our floor show, but the band will be back in fifteen minutes and there will be dancing. I'm sure all you beautiful people out there have some great moves you're dying to show off, so don't disappoint me. Thank you very much."

The house lights rose and people stood. Ronald rose to his feet and offered Haylee a hand up. She took it.

"You want to go dancing?" he asked.

She scrunched up her face. Dancing would put off the conversation for a while, but no. No more delaying tactics. She shook her head.

"We should probably relieve the babysitter."

"I guess so." Ronald's face fell. "But you look so good in that dress. I want to see you in it a bit longer."

I look even better out of it, she wanted to say. But somebody might hear. Besides, after learning her news, Ronald probably wouldn't be in the mood.

They exited the theatre hand in hand. Some time together without the kids had done wonders for her, but her problems remained. It had been such a good night. Maybe her news could wait. Why spoil things?

They entered the hallway. Someone collided with Haylee, pushing her forward. She turned to find an African American man entangled with a Caucasian woman.

"So sorry," the man said in a distinguished British accent. "We weren't watching where we were going."

Okay, so American was the wrong term to use. "We weren't watching where we were going."

"Yeah," his luscious companion said, in the same accent. "We were too busy snogging." They both giggled, and kissed.

"You two newlyweds?" Haylee asked.

"Sure are." The woman raised her ring finger and twirled it about. A simple gold band encircled her finger.

"Yeah, we're on our honeymoon," the man said.

"You two have a nice night." Ronald turned to leave. Haylee, still connected to his arm, allowed him to pull her along. Newlyweds. They had such passion, always so engrossed in each other. She and Ronald had been like that on their honeymoon. They'd never have afforded a cruise like this. Oh, for the good old days.

"So what's been up with you today?" Ronald asked.


"You're not yourself. The way you keep exploding at Austen in front of everyone. You know how embarrassing that was?"

"Yeah. Sorry." Haylee's cheeks warmed.

"I know he's hard to handle, but you usually cope better than that. It's like you've been drained of all your patience."

Haylee bit her lip. So much for putting this off. She closed her eyes to steel herself.

"I'm sorry. I'm on edge. I find Austen hard to cope with when I'm already stressed."

Ronald snorted. "What have you got to be stressed about? You're on a cruise, for apple's sake."

Haylee chuckled at the expression. So uniquely Ronald. "I have my reasons."

"Well, how about you tell me what they are." Ronald's voice took on a hard edge.

Haylee stopped walking and let go of his hand. "You really want to know?"

He nodded.

"Okay, but let's grab a coffee."

Ronald gestured towards a coffee lounge at the end of the deck. They wandered in and took a seat.

A waiter took their orders, a latte for Ronald, and a herbal tea for Haylee. A few minutes of deafening silence followed before the waiter returned with their drinks.

"Okay. Spill it." Ronald said.

Haylee stared at her cup, rotating it on the saucer.

"I lost my job. I've been made redundant."


She looked up.

Ronald's mouth gaped.

"The military contracts are drying up. The entire fleet is refitted now, so the company doesn't need so many staff."

"Honey, I'm sorry. When did this happen?"

"Yesterday. As I was leaving to come on vacation. Can you believe it? What a time to break the news."

Ronald shook his head and touched her hand. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to ruin the vacation. I mean, it's all paid for. I wanted the family to have this one fun memory before I had to spoil everybody's day."

"Yeah, it's been special so far. Between Austen's meltdowns and your mood, it's been a real hoot."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"You'll find another job." He squeezed her hand.

"In this economic climate?"

"You're a great engineer. Tell me, how many others have experience with alien technology?"

She shrugged. "A few hundred, I suppose."

"A few hundred out of all the engineers on Earth, not to mention the colonies."

"You'd want to move to the colonies?"

"Maybe. All I know is this isn't the end. Something will work out. We're not gonna end up tramps on the street, are we?"

She went back to staring at her cup.

"Come on Haylee."

She forced herself to look up.

"You'd look great in rags." He grinned. "I bet you'd make sure we had the tidiest box in the street."

She smiled.

"That's more like it. I can't guess all the feelings that are swirling around inside you, but I do know Austen needs his mom. So does Elsie. Have you seen the way she tries to mother him? She needs to be reminded it's okay to just be a kid. I need to know you'll be here with us."

"I'm here. I promise." She took his hand in both of hers.

That could have gone worse. At least it was all out in the open. Trouble was, now he had to carry all of this too. He talked tough, but she'd seen that look in his eyes before. He was worried.

Jewel of The Stars: Season 1 Episode 1: Earth's RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now