Down a hole

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Yagi startled at that question, even though he knew why his successor would ask that. Now, he himself has never heard of such an occurrence himself, up until that Man revealed that he has done it to his son.
That also would be a good question.

Is Midoriya really related to that Monster of a Man?

To Toshinori himself, the concept of that still seemed surreal. Izuku was kind-hearted, caring and bubbly, unlike his apparent father. And from what his successor told him about his father, it also didn't seem right. Sure, the whole fight the man was telling them how out of all his spouses, Inko Midoriya was the one he loved most, because apparently, due to him being more than two-hundred years old, he has had more than one love.

(Now, Yagi didn't want to protect the man in any way, but being as old he was, it was justified having more than just one love)

But getting back to the hospitalized boys question, yagi finally willed his mouth to form words, as he replied with mixed emotions,

"I..I don't know my boy. I wish I could tell you, but I really don't have a clue about what he meant."

Those words seemed to have made the boy remember something important, because as soon as those words his mouth, Izuku's eyes widened, as he sharply turned to his mother.

"Mom, is All for One really..who he said he is? Is he really Hisashi Midoriya? Is he really..." Izuku seemed to hesitate with what he was about to say, but seemed to finally gain the courage he needed and asked in a small and broken voice, "is he really........Dad?"

At this, his Mother's face darkened, as she also seemed to struggle with the right words, "Izuku... i... I'm afraid that what he said is true, and I'm sorry."

Yagi straightened up and looked at the older Midoriya with concern.

"Why are you apologizing, Inko-san?"

Inko's eyes once again welled with tears, as everyone present turned their focus to her.

"I'm sorry that *hic* you and I both had to find out this way, I'm sorry that *hic* that man is your father, and-" at this, Izuku tensed up, and snapped his head in his mother's direction, as he had previously let it hang down.

"are you apologizing for me being born?"

The already uncomfortable thickness that covered the room, seemed to thicken to impossible levels, as Inko looked at her sons emerald eyes, with surprise and regret in her own green orbs.

"Oh god- NO! That wasn't what I meant at all! I'm sorry that out of all the people *hic* in this world, he had to be your father!"

As good as everyone present in the room was relieved to hear those words, but Izuku wasn't. He looked to be broken by those simple words. Eijirou was the first to notice, as he looked at his boyfriend with noticeable concern in his ruby-red eyes. "Izu? What's wrong, babe?" At the read-heads words, everyone once again shifted their attention to the younger Midoriya.

" have you...have you been to where he is to see him?"

Inko looked troubled at her son's question, and Yagi decided to answer it for her.

"Yes. Both of us have been to see him."

A long and uncomfortable silence stretched through the room before Izuku replied. Izuku shifted to let his legs dangle at his bedside, "how did he react at seeing you?" Both Inko and Yagi seemed to re-consider what they wanted to say, before Katsuki broke the tense atmosphere, by shouting as loud as he always did, "UGH! WHY THE FICK IS THAT ALL IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!?"

Izukus dull eyes shifted to look at his childhood friend in wonder.


Suddenly, the missing light returned to emerald green eyes, as Izuku jumped to his feet, and yelled for a doctor, in such volume that even Katsuki had to cover his ears.

A doctor threw open the door, expecting the worst, but quickly calmed down at seeing the group calmly sitting at or in Izukus bed. "What's wrong? Who and why did someone yell?"

Izuku sprinted at full speed in the doctors direction, only stopping shortly before impact, and suddenly an ocean of words escaped his mouth so fast, that even both Eijirou and Inko had to strain themselves to understand him, even though they usually understood exactly what the green-haired youth said, due to spending as much time with him as they did.


The doctor looked like he was about to faint with all the incomprehandle information thrown his way, when Yagi Eijirou decided to interfere, yelling at his lover to calm down and try again.

Izuku did as he was told, and explained the reason why he had just bombarded the poor doctor with words.

"I'm really sorry doctor-san, but I really got to get out of this hospital, so please?"

The doctor still seemed overwhelmed, but understood what his patient asked of him, as he sighed aloud and told said patient to wait here a bit, and that he is going to get the doctor that treated him to get his ok.

Begrudgingly Izuku allowed to let himself get dragged back to his bed by his boyfriend and his (dare he say 'best'(READ NOTES/TAGS)) friend Shoto Todoroki, who deemed it to be wiser to stay silent the entire conversation that occurred earlier.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the doctor to arrive, because shortly after the two teenagers got Izuku seated again, the door was opened, revealing the nice doctor that had told them about the 'quirk comatose'. Said doctor was carrying a clipboard with a few documents, probably to show Izukus treatment, if needed, and state.

(Please forgive me, I don't know shit about how hospitals work)

"Midoriya Inko? Your son is good to go."

At the news, everyone present let out a deep, but happy sigh of relief. Only Yagi seemed to still be hesitant, but katsuki quickly noticed this.

"All Might? Something wrong or why are you all gloomy?"

Yagi tensed up and inhaled sharply, which alerted everyone else.  Both Mother and Son looked at him with questioning eyes, asking him to confess his fear.

" seems like there still are questions, Mr. Toshinori. Care to share?"

Yagi hesitantly looked up at the doctor, then turned to look at his successor, to finally ask what has been weighing him down for a few days now.

"Is it possible that...young Midoriya inherited his father's quirk? Because by all means, I cannot fathom another reason as to why All for One would lock away his son's" Izuku flinched at the mention of them being related," quirk. There really are no other excuses."

The doctor stayed silent at this.

*OKAY. This story is in a mini hiatus until i find my way back to bnha. Im kinda in a diffrent fandom right now, but i dont think it will take too long before i can get back to this. Sorry.*

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