Chapter 16

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The sun had risen and the light peaked its way in through the gap between the curtains. "Miss Lee!" I groggily open my eyes from my sweet slumber, seeing James and Yeon-Seo barge into my room looking both annoyed and angry.

"Miss Lee, wake up!"

I groan and cover myself under my sheets. 

"Get up now!"

I decide to ignore their order. Once they noticed, James bangs the door closed while Yeo-Seo stomps her way to the window side in frustration.

"You, have the retreat to go to and you promised you'd take me!" He whines and she throws open the curtains. I flip on my side facing away from him. "I'm not going. Just take the day off, guys", I yawn carelessly which only resulted in them to shake in anger. 

'' He grinds his teeth in annoyance. "This is supposed to be my day off!", he yells grabbing a handful of my sheets and yanking it of me and to the floor. 

"If I don't get you there, looking presentable, I will be gutted like a fish!" 

I curl into a ball on my bed not realizing there were knocks at the door. Once the knocker had clicked open, I was being pulled by the leg.

"Ahhhh! Stop!", I screamed holding onto my dear life.

"Let go! You're going to break my leg!", I yell at him as they continue to pull on it.

"Um...Excuse me? Sir, ma'am?"

We realized someone had entered the room so we looked to see one of the maids. I sigh and fall back on my back. "Whats is it?" I say. 

"I'm here to help prepare you to prepare for your middle school retreat, Miss Lee", she spoke cheerfully and placed a cup of coffee on my nightstand. 

This time, I didn't bother talking back and just sat upright to see Yeon-Seo picking out my outfit with a happy smile on her face and the woman, who according to her badge, was Jugeong was now going through my makeup box.

I get up and freshen up in the bathroom. Minutes after, I come out, wearing nothing but my undergarments causing James to throw my outfit in my face. "You get dressed, okay?" James spoke and excitedly skips out of the room. I roll my eyes and take my seat at the dresser and Jugeong begins my makeup and hair.

"So do you have a boyfriend?"


"Is there someone you fancy?"

I kept silent in thought. "No." I look away in embarrassment causing her to giggle.

After her endless amount of questions, I was ready and out of the manor and into a black SUV. I wore a navy blue short-sleeved mini dress with white trainers. My hair was straightened, my lips were tinted red and I wore large silver hoops earrings.

"Let's go!" He swings open the door after putting the language at the back and jump into his seat like a child. James wore his typical black jeans, white top and canvases. Within seconds we were on the road for the retreat after waving Yeon-Seo a bye. 

We didn't bother stopping by the school so we're heading straight to the destination. I peak out the opened window seeing a whole load of coaches pass. Well, look who it is. It's J High.  As if James read my thoughts, he stepped on the gas pedal and we sped side by side the line of coaches.

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