Chapter 2

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Another beautiful morning has come, the birds were chirping away as Soraru excitedly went down to eat breakfast.

'I'm excited! I can't wait to play with him later!'

He quickly went down the staircase and into the dining room for breakfast. His mom giggled at how fast he gobbled up his food, well, he can't help it! He was really looking forward to later.

"Sora, remember to chew," his mother reminded him. To which he replied back with a nod, and continued on.

The blunette finished his food and put the dishes away. He hurriedly rushed to the front door.

"I'll be leaving now!" he said.
"Take care," his mother replied back.

Once again, Soraru was out, heading to the woods to meet his new friend. He headed directly to the same spot he first saw him.

To his surprise, the albino was already there, waiting for him.

"Good morning Soraru," he beamed.

The blunette smiled back, "Good morning to you too Mafu!"

The two started off with a playful game of tag.

"Tag! You're it Soracchi! WAHAHAHA!" Mafumafu laughed as he ran around.

"Wha?! Oh that's it, come here you!" the other giggled as he chased the albino around.

It was a very close chase, Soraru was only a few centimeters away from tagging the albino.

Mafu decided to be a little cheeky and.. started to take off from the ground.

"Hey no fair! I can't fly!" Soraru whined.
"Teehee! Does this mean I win?" the other chuckled.

The blunette pouted as he sat down on the ground. This worried the other as he landed back down to go to his side.

"Soracchi? Are you angr-wOAH!" the blunette pounced on him and began tickling the albino non-stop.


Soraru stopped after a while and had a triumphant look on his face. "Still feel like flying?" he said, a bit cockily.

The albino laughed, "No." He glanced to the side and had an idea.

"But I do feel like doing this!" he shouted as he grabbed a handful of snow and threw it towards Soraru.

It hit him right in the face.

"Oh, so we're doimg this now huh?" he smirked as he bent down to grab himself a handful.

He quickly threw it towards the albino who dodged it.

"I'm not an easy target, Soracchi ehehe~"

"We'll see about that," the blunette smiled as he threw snowball after snowball.

The two started their little snowball fight and in the end, Mafu was the victor. The albino was pretty quick with his feet which helped him defeat Soraru.

Although, this resulted in the blunette to shiver from the cold. Mafu donned on a worried look.

"Soracchi? Are you okay?"
"I-I'm really c-cold.."

The albino apologized profusely and tried thinking up a way to warm the other up. When an idea finally came to him, he quickly carried the other in his arms.

"W-wha?! Mafu-??"
"Relax, I'm just gonna take you to my home for a while. It's nearer, we need to get you warm quick."

Soraru blushed a bit, and hid his face from Mafu's, worried he might see his apple-cheek face. As for Mafu, his ears were a slight shade red while he carried Soraru and flew to his home a bit deeper into the woods.

As they arrived to a small clearing, at the very center stood a great oak tree. By great, I don't mean a tree that's JUST great, it was magnificently tall! It had branches connected by bridges and ladders, each branch had a small house atop of it.

Soraru was amazed at the sight of it. It was so tall, it was quite hard to see the top.

Mafu continued on flying upwards. So, up, up, up, up even more they go.

"M-mafu, how high up are we g-going?"
"The very top~"

Before Soraru could utter a word more, Mafu sped up and reached the top in just a few seconds. The blunette wouldn't DARE look down. They were atleast 30-50 meters above ground.

In just a moment, Soraru's fear quickly washed away as he took in the sight before him.

It was… and absolutely stunning. Rught before him stood a beautiful mansion encased by two large branches. They wrapped the structure in ways that would entice any to enter. The mansion was of an auburn color, with glass stained windows and beautiful lighting.

Soraru almost forgot how cold he was earlier. Well, it wasn't that bad in the first place, it was only a short snowball fight after all.

Mafu flew inside and knocked on it's great oak doors. The two heard multiple voices from across before the doors opened up. The albino set the blunette on the floor.

"Welcome to my humble abode," he proudly declared.

"Are you the heir to a chief or something??"

There was a slight pause before the albino cheekily replied with a "yes."

"Want me to give you a shirt tour?"
"It'd be my pleasure, your highness~" Soraru said teasingly, adding a slight bow.

Mafu laughed, "then, onwards we shall go!"

The two walked around for a while. During the tour, Mafu showed Soraru the different rooms. Examples given are: the master bedroom, Mafu's bedroom, the dining room, the kitchen, two bathrooms, the servants' quarters and a few rooms which were forbidden to enter.

"By the way Mafu," the blunette spoke out as he and the albino walked down the halls.

"Why did you suddenly bring me here? At first, it was becuz I was cold right? But it wasn't at all serious, so I was kinda curious to know."

Mafu stuttered a bit, "Ah, well, actually.. It was only an excuse so I can bring you here. My family actually wants to meet you and have lunch with you. They wanted to thank you for saving me from, well, dying of the cold."

The albino looked a bit to the side with a slight tint of red flushing his face.

"I see," Soraru respinded, "That's very kind of them. They don't really need to-"

"But they insist. Please Soracchi?" the albino said with big puppy eyes.

"Eh- Ahh, fine," the other replied in defeat.


'Just hope they're not too strict,' the blunette thought. 

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