Chapter 1

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As the wind blew through the curtains on that cold winter day, a young boy of 12 was silently sleeping in his cosy little room. He had hair as blue as the deep sea and eyes like that of the beautiful sky. A tint of red tickled his slightly freckled cheeks while he soundly slept on.

Soon enough the dawn has come, another beautiful morning. The light shone through the room, beckoning to wake the young one up. His eyes twitched slightly before they slowly opened up.

He yawned softly as he stood up from bed, "Good morning world," he greeted. He exited his room into the narrow corridor of the second floor and down the spiral staircase.

Downstairs awaited the young one's mother. She was as beautiful as the night sky, one may say. Her midnight blue hair was like silk to the touch and her eyes twinkled like stars, it was a mesmerizing sight to behold.

"Good morning mum!" the boy greeted happily.

"Good morning Soraru," she replied as she beckoned him into sitting down at the table for breakfast.

The young boy, now introduced as Soraru, sat down quietly. He and his mother clapped their hands together while saying, "Thank you for the meal."

The two started to eat in a silent, comfortable silence. 

Soon after Soraru finished, he collected the dishes and went to head out to wash them by the river.

"Be careful on your way son, the snow might make you slip and fall," his mother warned.

"Don't worry! I'll be back soon!"

The young blunette had now left home and started his journey to the river.

Soraru and his parents lived on a mountain that was decorated, almost to the brim, with a thick, spruce forest. By the base of the mountain was a village where his father worked as a blacksmith in. His father always leaves before dawn for work. 

Occasionally they'd all go down together to have some fun in the town square and Soraru's friends would play and their parents would chat for long hours.

Going back to our lovable blunette, by now, Soraru has finally reached the river and started washing the plates and utensils one by one. He was a really good and obedient boy as one may obviously see. Always heading home before supper, following his parent's requests without questions, and studying till bedtime every single day.

As he finished washing, he neatly collected everything and placed them in the box they were previously stored in. Once he was done, he started his way back home.

It wasn't really that far, the walk would last for around 5 minutes or so.

On the way, he saw a few white rabbits hopping by, which made him giggle and smile.

"How cute," he cooed. 'Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be gone for a bit longer.' he thought as he followed the white haired creatures into the forest.

They led him into quite a deep and thick area for a while till the young boy saw a small clear patch nearby.

The rabbits quickly went amd hid in their holes as they entered said patch, while Soraru caught a glimpse of something else that's white.

They looked like feather wings of some sort, they were all connected to a young boy of his age who was sleeping soundly on the snow-covered grass.

He had hair the same color as the snow and a code like mark on his left cheek. His pale skin was slightly flushed pink making him look absolutely stunning. Young Soraru couldn't help but admire his beauty.

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