The Kidnapping

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A few hours later they are all still in the Head dorm.

"I'm Hungry" Harry says.

"Me to" Hermione says.

"Should we head to the Great Hall for lunch" Draco asks as he stands up

Then every one else stands up.

"You all go, I'm not hungry" Cursed Ron says still on the sofa.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Ron, are you feeling ok? You're always hungry!" Ginny asks staring at Ron.

"Just go, I'll look after Tegan and Scorpios" Cursed Ron says.

"Thanks Ron" Hermione says and hugs him.

"I can't be bothered to bring my bag, I'm gonna leave it here" Harry says.

"Let's go before Ron changes his mind" Ginny says.

"Bye" Cursed Ron says.

After they all leave Cursed Ron pick's the babies up, puts the clock over them all and leaves the dorm.


Meanwhile in the Slytherin common room Pansy, Daphne and Goyle are talking.

"Come on our little minion will be ready now" Pansy says.

"Minion? Oh Weaselly!" Goyle says.

Then Blaise over hears them. 'What are they doing to Ron? I'd better find out' Blaise thinks.

"Shut up you idiot! Someone will hear. Lets go" Daphne says.

Then Pansy, Goyle and Daphne walk to the ROR, Blaise following them.

"He not here" Goyle says.

Then Cursed Ron removes the clock. "Yes I am" Cursed Ron says.

'Why has Ron got the babies?!' Blaise thinks watching them. 

"An invisibility clock? That could be useful" Goyle says.

"Well done Weaselly" Daphne says as she takes the babies. "I bet your mummy is worried about you" Daphne says to the babies with a laugh.

Then Pansy removes the Curse of Ron.

"I'd nerve betray- HOW DID YOU GET THEM? WHATS HAPPENING!" RON asks.

"You brought them to us" Daphne says with an evil smile.

"YOU CURSED ME! I'LL KILL YOU!" Ron says angrily.

"Stupefy!" Pansy says- (renders its target unconscious) then it hits Ron and he hits his head on the wall and gets knocked unconscious.

"Ron! No!" Blaise says in worry from his hiding spot.

"Who is there?! Lets go!" Goyle says, then him, Pansy and Daphne apparate away with the babies.

Then Blaise sprints to the Great Hall. "DRACO!! HERMIONE!" Blaise yells as he runs in to the hall.

"Whats wrong Blaise?" Hermione asks.

Cursed... Ron... Pansy... Gone" Blaise says out of breath.

"Take a breath, Then try" Draco says.

"Ron was cursed by Pansy. He's hurt and Goyle took Tegan and Scorpios" Blaise says.

"WHAT!!!??? NO! WHERE ARE THEY?" Hermione says in panic.

"They were in the ROR" Blaise says 

Then Hermione sprints to the ROR. 

"Now, it's personal" Draco says and sprints after Hermione.

"They stop when they get to the ROR.

"Where are they?! We need to get them!" Hermione says in panic.

Then Draco sees Ron. "He's hurt" Draco says.

Then Hermione start to cry. "They've poisoned Ginny, hurt Ron and taken our children. They're insane" Hermione says sadly.

"We'll find them" Draco says as he hugs Hermione and she cries in his chest.

"How? they're gone!" Hermione says why crying.

"Not for long" A older female voice says behind them.

"Professor? How did you get here?" Hermione asks.

"I know exactly who apparetes in and out of this castle, Granger. On my why over to investigate, Zabini told me what happened" McGonagall says.

"Is there any way to find them?" Hermione asks.

"The Ministry tracks every witch and wizard under 1 years of age including your children. We will find them" McGonagall says.

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