Cold and worried

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Simon's POV

I whimpered as my body hit the cold floor, but i couldn't bother to get up. That was my chance to escape, and i blew it completely. 

I felt hot tears run down my cheeks, while some voices in my head starts to speak up.

Just kill yourself and get done with it.

That's all I could hear right now.

I stood up- trying to ignore the voices while looking around, seeing a blanket over something huge. So I went over to it, and pulled the blanket off.

I regret every moment of what I'm seeing.

I scream out of terror, and close my eyes as fast as possible...but it dosen't stop me from getting a breathing attack. I open my eyes, and stumble to the door, my head spinning fully. Giving me an headache.

"HELP!" I cry out, feeling my breathing getting worst, and worst. Every second that goes by.

I fall down near the bodies, making me get on my knees and hands, quickly crawling over to the corner, shaking like its a earthquake happening.

You're gonna end up like them.

That sentence kept on repeating in my mind, making me go fully insane.

I close my eyes, and put my hands on my ears. Wanting it to stop.

Tobi's POV

I walked to Harry's body, with a first aid kit. Ready to fix him up.

I slowly started to undress him, to check where he got stabbed.

And wow! This doesn't look pretty at all!

"VIK!" I yelled out, it didn't take more then 5 seconds to hear the boys footsteps.

I looked back at Harry, tearing up at the knocked out boy.

"He- HOLY SHIT!" He ran over to me, and sat down besides me.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly, I felt my vision getting blurry- while there was a big lump in my throat.

"S-Simon stabbed him, please hurry and fix him!" I cried out, praying that Harry is alright!

Vik nodded, shaking a lot.

Eventually Josh and Ethan, came to carry the dirty blonde, to a bed. After Vik got done stitching him up.

Simon's POV

I've been in here for god knows how long, and all I've been thinking about is how I went insane and stabbed Harry.

I fucked up, I wish I never did that.

All I felt now was guilt.

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