Mystries of the Slytherin boy

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The Gryffindore contemplated that for a moment. Shrugging, she leaned forward to inspect the glass… before suddenly jumping back in surprise. Her reflection was in the mirror, even with her wearing the Invisibility Cloak. Not only that, but there were people in there, in the reflection. People other than her.

Harriet glanced around the room, and not seeing or sensing anyone, she began to wonder. After a moment, she drew up her courage and stepped forward once more to look at the reflection. Gazing back at her, she first saw herself and then a man and a woman. Both were standing directly behind her with a hand on each shoulder.

The Gryffindore continued to gaze at the image but cautiously moved her hand to her shoulder. Strangely, she felt nothing. She reached out her mind again, but still… nothing. Finally, Harriet simply stared at the mirror, studying the two adults present and inching closer to get a better look.

The woman had vivid red hair and green eyes. Eyes just like Harriet's.

Her gaze flickered to the man in the mirror. Dark and untidy hair, glasses, and a very familiar smile.

Suddenly, it dawned on her.

"These are my parents," she gasped, taking another step forward. "They look just like they do in my locket." She fingered her necklace, moving so close to the glass that her nose touched the surface.

The Invisibility Cloak drifted off of her and to the floor.

And there were other people, too, standing on either side of her parents. They were both men, and Harriet couldn't identify them. 

In the background, the girl finally noticed even more people, at least ten of them. Harriet spoted several others with her eyes, her smile, her glasses, and even one who seemed to have her knobby knees. Yet, for all the similar features of the people, there was something odd about them in comparison with each other. Though, for the life of her, the Gryffindore couldn't think of what.

And even as Harriet watched the mirror, the image suddenly changed. She backed up several steps as the reflection once more became clear.

It was a boy.

He was about sixteen and was wearing Hogwarts robes with a Slytherin crest. He simply stood, staring straight back at her and holding a book in his hand. He smirked merrily at her after a moment before turning to flip through his book.

'Wait a minute, Harriet thought quickly, staring at the image of a person she hadn't even met. 'Wait, I do know him. He's the one from my dream. The Slytherin in the Common Room.' She thought back to the incident several weeks earlier. 'I dreamt of him, but other than that, I have never seen him before.'

The girl inclined her head to examine the image closer, but she heard a unexpected noise in the distance. She quickly whirled the cloak about her shoulders and fled, vowing to return the next night.

True to her word, she did. This time with Blaise in tow.

Harriet dragged her friend straight up to the mirror and demanded that he look. She had already told him earlier that she had seen her family and then a boy, but she decided that he probably wouldn't. The mirror was supposed to show one's inner most desire, and for her, that was her family. And apparently, a boy she had never even met.

"I see them, Blaise," Harriet whispered, whipping the cloak off of them. "I see my parents and their friends… and some boy I don't even know. But, like I said, you'll see something different," she added.

He nodded in understanding. "I wonder what I'll see?" the boy questioned himself, not noticing that she had heard. He stepped closer to the glass and inhaled sharply.

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