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Adrian hated them. If his dad ever let him get a pet, it would definately be a dog. Dogs were all heart and they made you feel like you had a close friend. Maybe it was because he'd been scratched by a particularly evil cat when he was little, but Adrian had never trusted cats.

He left the spot where the birds had died. As he turned, he waved off Luke, who was heading in the direction of their murderous little intrudor. He could hear Luke sucking and cooing -- making little clicking sounds with his tongue as he disappeared down the hall.

Adrian cracked his knuckles. Time to get down to business! The video was out there somewhere and he was ready to find it.

His first new breadcrumb -- He'd found a different picture of bright-eyes, a framed still of the illusive drop.avi video and like most of the images it was ripped offline almost as quickly as it had arrived but he'd capped the jpg and upped it to a private chat with some folks he knew from the main message board before his attention had been pulled away by the dead birds incident.

He'd let his trusted friends go over the image before he put it out for the world. He wasn't ready to go live on the board with the picture just yet, he wanted to see what the others had to say. Upping a obvious hoax could heart his credibility with the community.

Adrian traced the IM window, which he'd stretched from the top of his screen to just above the dock at the bottom of the screen. He didn't even see the BRB message he'd hurredly typed just after uploading the shot. Stupid cat and its dead birds had caused him to miss a whole converstation! He scrolled up and began to read.

adrian-is-cool: Shit. BRB.

karangakiteman: He drops a new image on us and then goes AFK? WTF?

falloutgirl58: Cut him some slack. At least he showed us first before giving it to  the whole Bright Eyes Nation. That's kinda cool of him.

imabrony: No. None of that makes snse. He's watching all this right now. Testing us to see what we'll say when hes not around! 

falloutgirl58: Like he can't just scroll up?!

imabrony: Well yeah but, you know, like, in the momemtnm and everything -- you gotta -- he might not -- Listen man, YOLO, you know? So like do it!

falloutgirl58: I think brony is having a stroke.

karangakiteman: Can we please focus on the damn image? This could be a real break and you two are worried about why he jumped off? Maybe he is being dramatic, maybe he had to pee -- does it matter?

imabrony: OK OK

falloutgirl58:  Fine..

karangakiteman: OK so I have the image out in Photoshjop and its right next to the Bright Eyes image. I'll assume you two have done the same what's the first thing you notice.

falloutgirl: Her eyes are closed.

imabrony: Blobby has moved.

karangakiteman: Both things I noticed too -- well, I might throw a few challenges your way. FOG, you sure her eyes are closed? Because to me --

falloutgirl: OMG they aren't closed, they've just gone white!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2013 ⏰

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