Chapter 26 The Beginning Of The End

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One Month Later
I had gotten ONE phone call this past month from Lupe and Angel. I had high hopes when she had left and when she called when I got there she had  told me that he made her feel right at home. She being the only female besides myself that had been inside Angel's home made him kinda of ifish seeing as our friendship had ended just as fast as it had begun. She called me a week later telling me that she was staying Angel, at first I was happy but then I realized that I had lost my only friend in this pack. It was more of a bitter sweet feeling I was glad that I would never feel like Angel was alone and he would have the only girl that I'm sure would make him happy as for Sophia we hadn't heard anything from her and I was glad but I still had heart pains about her baby a baby that would be brought into this world not knowing the feeling of having a loving mother. Our baby on the hand Erik's and mine would be the most loved baby in the universe I would live and die for her until I took my last breath, only the thought of having her in my arms made me the happiest I have ever been even Erik who put on this Mr. big bad Alpha mask was a sucker for Melody he was wrapped around her finger and she wasn't even born yet. Lupe and Angel came over once when Angel came to ask Erik if Lupe could officially become part of his pack. It amazed me how they could become friends so quickly like nothing had ever all they ever do is talk on the phone. One time I walked on him laughing over something stupid along the lines of " All woman can't..."  it's needless to say he slept on the couch for a night the next day he made up for it buy making me breakfast in bed and buying me a milk shake in curly fries. I couldn't say that I missed my life before any of this because I'm the happiest I've been even before I had been turned I wasn't this happy I had seem other people happy but I had never experienced true and pure happiness. Every where I looked made my heart swell.

A/N I'm really sad to say but this was the last chapter I want to get your honest opinion I wan't to make book 2 based on Melody's life and how she grows up to be I know it was a short chapter but if you guys want I'll make it and here's a sneak peak of what it would look like...

Book 2 ( I havn't thought of a name yet)

He made my heart sore even if it was forbidden they said he was dangerous that he was the enemy but how could someone so perfect be dangerous every bone in my body wasn't to believe that he would never hurt me but the damage had been done and the souls he took would never been replaced. Yet  looking into his beautiful brown eyes said trust
" Melody listen to me I'm not good for you just trust me I want you to go inside and forget about me you will only loose things if were together I'm doing this for you" He turned away leaving me heart broken and alone...

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