Dricket's Kapowie

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It was a normal day, and Dricket and Sloria we're behind the counter, with Dricket drinking soda, and Sloria making a cup of coffee.

"Look Alive, Dricket, the Boss Ms.Cho, will be here any minute." The Purple Meifwa said.

"Okay-Doke." The Yellow Werewolf Replied, throwing his cup of soda away, literally.

As soon as the cup was thrown far from the two, Dricket turned over to Sloria.

"What do you think Ms.Cho's announcement's gonna be, Sloria?" Dricket asked.

"I don't know, maybe I'll get a competent co-worker for once." The Meifwa Replied, smiling.

Dricket then jumped and sat on the counter, and turned to his tail.

"I, for one, hope we get some new T.P, this one-ply is chafing my hiney." Dricket said.

Suddenly, the store doorbell rang, with the boss Ms.Cho walking in, with Dricket smiling at her.

"Oh, Hey, Ms.Cho!" The Werewolf said, greeting the Monster.

The Boss grunted, indicated that she was talking, and pointed over to another monster, standing beside of her.

"Hey! Ho! Hi! Thank you for the flattering introduction, Ms.Cho!" The Green Monster said, Happily.

The Green Monster was a Zombie, with a cheerful personality.

"My name is Vonny Tinselton! I'm a retired Movie director! And a close chum of Ziriam's... Ahem! I mean, Ms.Cho. We use to work in the pictures together!" The Zombie said, smiling.

The Zombie then turned over to pet Ms.Cho, who giggled and blushed.

"And what a dazzling star you still are." The Zombie said, as he petted her.

The Two wereanimals flinched and groaned uncomfortably, with both of them lowering their ears.

"Anyhoo, I'm here to shoot a commercial for Big Coffee!" The Zombie Said.

"...A Commercial?!" The Two asked, with Dricket wagging his tail.

"Big Coffee is about to start selling jelly doughnuts, and we want the world to know! I want this commercial to look natural, so I need actors who look plain and simple." The Zombie said, turning to the two wereanimals.

"Like a rock." Dricket said, happily.

"Lucky for me, you two fit the bill! Take a look at the script for me, would ya?" The Zombie asked.

As the Zombie handed the two a big script, With the Meifwa smiling and swiping the script away from Dricket's claws.

"Try not to be too intimidated by me, Dricket. In college, I took an acting class!" Sloria said.

"Okay, little Coyote Boy, try the first line." The Zombie said, smiling at Dricket.

Dricket smiled and took off his hat, as he looked down at the script, with his little Wolf ears flying out.

"Okay, let's see here..." Dricket said, as he read the lines.

He cleared his throat, and turned to the Zombie.

"We now carry scrumptious jelly doughnuts!" Dricket said, giving a little wink.

"Oh, that's Dynamite!" The Zombie Said, cheerfully.

The Zombie smiled and turned to Sloria.

"And YOUR line is 'Made Fresh every day'!" The Zombie said.

"Okay!" Sloria replied, looking at the script.

She then cleared her throat, and started reading her script.

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