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The yelling finally stopped and I looked up from my position on the floor. I always freaked out in situations where everyone was yelling, or just angry.

They were starring. yoongi, the first one to bend down, comforted me with shushes, while my parents began to yell again.

Why was I like this?

Helpless. I can't defend myself, and I never have been able to. yoongi was always there to help me... so why was I lying to him about so many things?

They continued to yell about everything wrong with me.

He's gay, they yelled. He's not even our son, screamed the dad.

I quickly ran upstairs, and locked myself in the bathroom. I was panicking, my hands were shaking and I couldn't stop pacing. Why was I so nervous?

My breathing became uncontrollable, I heard footsteps coming upstairs.

There was a knock on the door, but I couldn't get to it. The room was spinning around me.

I needed to control my breathing.

I heard banging, and yelling coming from the other side of the door. Someone was trying to get in.

I was going in and out of consciousness...

I heard more banging and yelling.

The last thing I remember is collapsing on the floor.

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