Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Hey so here's chapter one is not the greatest sorry about that but here it is. Just a head up i am re-editing and writting this book so please read eveyr chapter as somethings have changed.Emma Stone  is playing Aurora. I hope you like the book and if you do don't forget to vote and or comment 


Just one more cut before school... Ill only do one I swear... please just let me do it once but Celia please I need too..... But ughh fine I'll see you at school.... I promise I will not cut this morning okay there happy now.... Okay yes I love you too goodbye.

Ughh dammit Celia I just wanted to feel some relief before going to school but no she thinks I'll die but I won't I've done it plenty of times I know how to control myself. Celia just doesn't get it but I can't lie to her she is too precious for that. Celia is my best friend since the beginning but she doesn't understand how much pain I'm in, I try to tell her but she just won't listen, luckily I have Michael. If you haven't gotten it by now I self-harm, I am suicidal and suffer from social anxiety which causes panic attacks., I was talking to my friend Celia on the phone she is very beautiful with blonde hair and green eyes but she just doesn't understand what I'm going through she tries to help but sometimes it just makes things worse. But I have Michael and Flynn who understands and helps me when I have the panic attacks.
Michael is your typical bad boy yet he is an absolute softy he is so kind and is always there to look out for me. He has bright red hair which he just dyed and light green eyes.

Whereas Flynn is a good and shy boy who dreams of being a singer he has a wonderful voice and sense of humour.

The there's little old me who somehow has wonderful friends. I have orange hair as bright as fire, blue eyes that are so dull they look grey, I am so fat I look like a hippo my friends say I'm beautiful but I don't see it. I have scars all up my wrist and thighs, my bags under my eyes are so black I thought they were my smudge eyeliner.

Its 7:30 am and I'm getting ready for hell or as most people call it school. I call it hell because everyone in it is a spawn of Satan and hates me. I get bullied everyone single day by basically everyone but the worst is Hanna Richers she is the queen bee at school and everyone followers her because of her richness. Except for my group we actually see the evil Satan she is. For school I'm just wearing a blue skirt with a long black t-shirt tucked under the skirt with a knee high boots.

After I have finished getting ready I go down stairs to get ready mum and dad have already left for work and my sister Charlie has gone to preschool and Anna is at work, so it's just me for breakfast but who actually eats, so I just have a cup of tea and then head out ready to go to school.

Heyy so hope you liked it, it's pretty short but they will get better and bigger. So I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I will see you in the next one. AmberJane xx

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