Chapter 3

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heyy so I'm back i want to that @5soznotsoz on instagram for making my cover :D anyways here is the next chapter it's longer than other chapters :) anyways hope ya'll like it-AmberJane xx


Chapter 3

Aurora's POV

Today was a strange day. When I first got to school the school slut Hannah tried to hang out with us and tried getting it with Michael, he ran away screaming. It was so funny watching him run ha-ha.

Also these new guys arrived and one kept looking at me he was pretty cute but why would he want me, I'm nothing.

After Michael lost Hannah, he came and checked my wrists and thighs then we walked to class and meet up with Celia and Flynn, the first class we had was English. Half way through role call the new boys came in and that one with the brown hair keeps looking at me, know that I look at him I see tattoos everywhere you could see the skin except for his face but that had piercings but the piercings looked hot on him. As they introduced themselves his eyes never left mine, why is that? Does he hate me? Do I have something on my face? I feel Celia who is sitting next to me nudged me and hand me a piece of paper saying "these boys are cute especially the Asian looking one and why does the brown hair one keep looking at you? I look at her and just shrug as I turn back to the board there is a body in the way as I look up I see it's the brown hair one " Hi my name is Ashton, is this seat taken" his voice is not to rough but nice sounding.

"No its fr-e-ee" dammit I stuttered on first impression and blushed shit.

"Well as you know my name is Ashton what's your name?"

M-yy names Aurora" I then hear all the whispers starting

"Why is he talking to the pig?"

"Oink o-i-nkk the pig can't even speak well"

The whole class laughed except for my group and I, everyone is now chanting pig and I can feel my body starting to shake and my throat is closing up, I can't breathe my whole body is going numb, my heart is beating so fast I think it's going to jump out of my chest I try to stand and leave but I fall to the floor all I can hear is laughter then I'm being picked up I can't tell who it is but they strong but gentle I feel myself be placed down on the floor and I then just see Michael looking at my telling me to breath I try but I can't get enough air to my lungs it starts to go black I can't see anything anymore but I can still hear all the laughter and pig being chanted I am then pushed to the around and I hear Hannah laughing and screaming "that fat pig goes down" then there is a big slapping sound but I feel no pain. I do hear Hannah screaming 'you bitch Celia how dare you "Celia slapped her? Then I hear a voice I didn't think I would hear it was Ashton why was he out here? "She slapped you because you deserved it, because you're a bitch" Did Ashton really just say that? Oh my gosh as I start calming down I start to see again the first thing I notice is Michael is carrying my outside the class room, oh my gosh Ashton is stood up for me. I feel my cheeks heat up. As all my senses come back I release that everyone inside is being yelled and everyone out here look angry and worried, shit it's all my fault fuck I'm so useless.

"Aurora are you okay" Ashton whisper ever so gently, I see Ashton crouch down in front of me.

"Ughh yeah I'm fine no need to worry about little old me, also thank you Ashton for standing up for me" I see Ashton face lit up with a smile" it's okay Aurora it's the least I could do, I did start the whole thing" I could see the guilt on his face
"It wasn't your fault it happens every day, I start to get used to it" As silence took over the bell rang and it was time for second period but the group and Ashton, Luke and Calum all decided to ditch.

After driving around for 20 minutes arguing about where to go. We decided to get some McDonalds and eat it in the park. The boys all got big macs while Celia got a mc chicken meal and I just got a bottle of water. I couldn't help but notice the stares from everyone, when we got to the park it was deserted because all the kid were at school so it was nice and peaceful, I decided to bring my sketching book with me.

We all sat down and started chatting we found out that Calum is very sporty, he can play bass guitar, he also loves punk rock music, he has an older sister and even though he looks Asian he is actually a kiwi and Scottish. Luke is a quirky guy who loves penguins and can also play guitar he also is bi because he kept looking at Flynn and licking his lips, he has two older brothers. Finally Ashton he plays the drums and loves punk rock music he has two younger siblings, a sister and a brother. As they were all talking a slowly slipped away so I could go find somewhere beautiful to draw as I look around a see a small walk way where the plants are over growing so I place my sketch book in my bag and start walking, I get to the end I see a beautiful view there are trees forming a walkway with flowers in the alongside. There a so many types of flowers and there is a little stream circling around the middle where there is a circle of just grass big enough for two people, I sit in the middle of the circle and start drawing all the trees and flowers and there are even some birds and butterflies but as I'm finishing the trees a bunny comes and jumps around in the flowers I start to draw that, once I finished the bunny it hops away and I pack up my stuff and just lay there thinking about what has happened today, after lying there for a while I check the time to see,

"Oh shit it's been half an hour, I'm going to be in so much trouble, I get up and head back. As I get closer to everyone Michael sees me first and sprint towards me.

"AURORA YOU OKAY WE THOUGHT YOU DIED, YOU SCARED ME" he shouted that while hugging the life out of me,

"Sorry Mikey I just went to get some peace and quiet, can you let me go I can't breathe" I struggle to say. As he lets go Ashton comes over and wonders if I was okay I nodded and we all sat down again.

"Hey Aurora can I speak to you alone" I was shocked when Luke asked me that. We haven't really talked a lot but I said yes and we walked away from the group.

"What can I help you with Luke?" he doesn't say anything but just pulls me into a hug.

"I saw your wrists, when you were have a panic attack your sleeve was pushed up. I promise no one else saw, I want to ask you to stop please I know what you're going through, it happened to me to but please it's not the answer please if you ever need me, call me on this number okay? I couldn't answer my voice was to shaky I nod and I wrote the number down then we walked back to the group we look at the time and see it's almost 5pm so we all decide to head home. As soon as I get home my parents yell at me for not cleaning and not cooking dinner and send me to my room without dinner I run upstairs and get changed into my pj's and get into and fall asleep to the sound of beautiful sweet music.

heyy so that was the chapter i hope you liked it, if you did don't forget to vote and comment, see you next time-

AmberJane xx

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