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I drove around aimlessly for a while, hands violently trembling at the wheel as I tried to digest all that had happened. But I just couldn't. My thoughts were all disjointed, and my heart was pounding so fast it was threatening to jump out of my chest. After a few near accidents, I finally stopped the car on a kerb. Putting my head down against the wheel, I let go of my emotions, and blubbered for quite a while.

I felt a bit better. Nothing helps to ease tension more than a good cry.

I looked at the battered suitcase on the passenger seat. With nervous fingers, I put in the combination he had given me as he lay dying. 1745.

Lots of papers. And a notebook with dates and events linked to each date.

Tessa's name and mine came up quite a lot.

I drove back to the office.

When I got in, I put up the no disturb sign on my office door. Sheila was about to open her mouth as she saw that, but took a look at my face and decided against it.

I brought out the notebook and papers and started to read, whilst making notes on a jotter.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

'Come on in.'

Sheila poked her head around.

'Is everything alright Mr Grace? You've been "no disturb" for the past hour!'

'Everything's fine Sheila, just a bit under the weather.'

I said that a tad impatiently.

She looked at me sceptically.

'If you say so Mr Grace. See you tomorrow.'

'Good night Sheila.'

She knew better than to ask me more questions. I knew she'd be on my case tomorrow morning at work. If of course, tomorrow ever came.

After some more time, I had seen enough. Now I had an idea of what could have led to Detective Well's death.

I was scared shitless.

Shoving all the documents back into the briefcase, l stepped out. I needed to clear my head, and think of the next possible step to take.

The weather was a bit nippy, but nothing a man in a jacket couldn't handle.

And that was how I ended up in front of Mueller's Gun Shop 2 blocks away from my office.

So, in the end, I bought a gun.

I walked back to the office, gathered my notes, added a hastily scribbled letter to it, and put it in an already stamped envelope. I opened the suitcase and brought out the gun. I worked its mechanism several times before loading it, and I put an extra magazine in my jacket pocket.

I took a last look at my office, and left.

I dropped the envelope off in the post box after scribbling an address on it, and then drove downtown to the Rockville Police Department.

By this time, the road had been cleared, and it was as if nothing had ever happened. Life was going on like before, as if Detective Wells had never even existed.

It then dawned on me.

We were all insignificant cogs in that big mechanism called life. One cog wears out, another replaces it. Life continues.

I made up my mind. I got back into the car, and drove home. I parked the car a street away from the house, and walked back silently, conscious of the gun I had tucked into the back of my jeans.

Suddenly I got a text message.

It was from Tessa.

It read " Hey babe how ya doing? Will you be back soon? Missing you XXX."

I texted back.

"Tidying up some stuff at the office. Will soon be back."

I got to the house in about 5 minutes. The sun was slowly going down, and the street lights had already started coming on.

The porch lights were on.

As I stepped onto the porch, the door opened.

It was Sheila.

She smiled at my shocked face.

'What are you doing here Sheila?' I demanded.

'I just dropped in for a friendly visit, Mr Grace. I was a bit worried about you. Do come in. It is quite cold outside isn't it?'

I hesitated. Something wasn't quite right here. This was not the Sheila I knew. This was a different type of Sheila – somewhat more persuasive, more powerful.

She smiled widely, as if reading my thoughts.

'Don't be afraid Mr Grace. As I said, this is just a friendly visit.'

As I looked into her eyes, I realized that there was no way I could run away. 

So I stepped into my own house. Feeling like a fly voluntarily stepping into the spiders web.

I walked into the parlour, and stopped.

Seated in a semi-circle, were all the people I never expected to see. Marjorie Fowler, Louise Stern, Tessa, and of course, Mandy the receptionist. Carla was in her pram at the side, staring at me with her wide blue eyes.

Tessa smiled at me.

'Welcome babe. We've been expecting you for a while now.'

Sheila came from behind, took a seat.

'Whew! 'she said. 'Today wasn't such an easy day. Wearing these glasses is such a chore!'

She tossed her glasses to one side, and loosened her hair from the severe bun which was her characteristic style. Then she turned, and smiled at me again.

The Sisters of Light. Kappa Psi Ra. The silver chain with the pendant of the circle and five pointed star. All of them were wearing it.

How had I been so blind?

'Take a seat, sweetheart,' said Tessa. 'You look tired.'

'Just make sure that gun doesn't go off okay, Michael,' said Sheila with a chuckle. 'I could have taken it off you, but if it makes you feel better, keep it on. I know you're still a bit distraught with all that's gone on today, but that is to be expected.'

They all laughed. I guessed Sheila was the head of their group.

I took another look at all of them, and I decided there was no point being uncomfortable whilst facing the music.

So I took a deep breath, and sat on the chair, facing them, almost like a defendant facing the panel of judges.

It was going to be a long night.

'Alright then!' I said harshly. 'What's all this crap about?'

Carla: Book One - MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now