🌻A six year old's memory🌻

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🌻[Nikito's flash back]🌻

"JB!" I run as fast as I can and jump onto his back

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"JB!" I run as fast as I can and jump onto his back. "Carry me!"

"Ahh!" JB yells. He tries to keep me up, but he falls to the ground.

"Hey!" I say, getting off his back. I sit on him. "You're so weak! Are you sure you're a boy?"

"Yeah, I am!" shouts JB trying to push me off.

We're playing on the grass in a park by our houses.

"No you're not," I tell him as JB gets up to his feet. "Boys are supposed to protect girls. You can't even beat me in arm wrestling!"

JB is rubbing his shoulder. "So? Maybe you should protect yourself! I don't like pushy girls anyways! They always tell me what to do!"

"C'mon!" I tell him pulling his arm. "Let's go on the swings."

"Okay," JB says.

We both climb into our seats and begin to push.

"I can do this..." JB mutters.

"You can't beat me!" I tell him trying to swing even higher.

"No?" yells JB. "Well, watch this!"

He pushes off the swing and lands perfectly onto his feet in the tanbark. "Ha!" he yells out and turns around with a big smirk.

"I can do that too," I tell him.

I push off the swing, but I lose my balance and I end up falling onto my knees.

"Ow!" I yell out. "Ow!"

"I win!" JB says.

"No fair!" I yell and stand up. I walk up to him and grab his hand. "We're going to the playground," I say pointing.

"Huh?" JB says.

"Tag!" I say hitting JB. "You're it!"

"Hey!" I hear JB yell, but I'm already running towards the jungle gym.

I climb up a bunch of ropes to get onto the jungle gym. Turning around, I see JB trying to climb up, but his hands and legs keep falling through.

"You're going to have to be faster!" I say to him.

"I'm gonna get you..." JB says. "Ah!" His right hand falls through the ropes.

I laugh in excitement and start walking up the platforms of the jungle gym, stopping to spin the cylindrical X's and O's that make up a tic-tac-toe board.

Reaching the top where the entrance of the slide is, I rush in, but stop suddenly and almost smash into someone.

"Ah!" I say in surprise.

A boy with really red hair is crouching down. He looks up and I clap my hands to my mouth. He looked like a prince! Like from those Disney movies my Mommy always put on for me!

"H...hi!" I say waving. "My name is Nikito."

The boy, still looking at me, just turns his head away.

"I'm coming for you!" JB yells.

"Um," I say quickly to the prince, "can I go down the slide?"

The prince looks at me again. "No!"

"Hey!" I say getting angry. "I asked!"

"No!" the prince says again. "No uggggly people allowed!"

I'm about to say something, but a hand pushes me really hard into my back.

"You're IT!" yells JB. "No tagbacks!"

"That's stupid!" I tell JB, but he's already running away, making his way down the jungle gym onto the surrounding sand.

I look at the prince. I can't tag JB again. "Tag!" I yell out happily and I smack the prince. "You're it!"

"Hey!" the prince yells out. He comes out and stands up. He pushes me a little.

"Hey!" I tell him pushing him back. "We're playing tag!"

"I don't want to play with you!" says the prince.

We keep pushing each other until I'm standing on a ledge of a platform.

"Fine, don't play!" I say to the prince. "You're stupid!"

"Well, you stink!" the prince says back and he pushes me hard with both hands.

"You're a piece of poo—" I begin to say, but I lose my balance.

Suddenly the next few moments seem to last forever. As I fall back in the air, I look up and the prince with his pretty face looks down on me with an evil smile. That face. That pretty, but scary looking face!

I land on my butt really hard. Really, really hard. I begin to cry.

JB runs over and I point at the ugly prince. I stand up crying and rubbing my butt. I watch JB climb onto the jungle gym again and he says something to the ugly prince, but the prince quickly pushes JB and he easily falls onto his butt. He begins to cry too.

Mommy comes running over to us. "What's wrong!"

I explain clearly to her.




More tears.

"Stupid face!"

More crying.

JB and I continue to cry.

Then Mommy buys us ice cream.

My butt stops hurting really fast.

I decide I never want to see anyone like that prince again!

I decide I never want to see anyone like that prince again!

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