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He was gonna do it

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He was gonna do it.

He was ready to do it. He had the sharp object in his cold roughed up hand. He was ready to purse his porcelain skin.

He had written a letter to his mom, beautiful handwriting, tears stained the paper. It wasn't too long, but it explained most of his pain in the best way he could.


At first, it was fine.

It was just another bad day, another small voice in his head that told him to stop. Stop going out they don't want you there, why do you even try you'll look disgusting anyway.

But everyone got that right? It's because he was going trough a rough patch, and being a teenager is hard. it'll pass he told himself.

It never did.

The days went on as his hands got colder and he felt the pit of emptiness in his stomach growing.

He stopped eating as much as he could. Avoided food at any means. He was skinny, and every time he looked in the mirror he cringed at his collarbones sticking out. He wanted to throw up when he saw his hip bones slightly pop out of his sides.

It's not that he liked the feeling of emptiness, but he only felt beautiful when he was hungry.

He barely left the house anymore.

Daniel used to love many things, but most of all? Music filled him with joy more than anything in this world. He was a prodigy, a genius, so much potential, finally something he was good at. Except one day he just decided music wasn't for him anymore.

He'd never make it anyway, he lost a stupid singing competition and now he expected to be something in the music industry. He was sure everyone pitied him. Pathetic.

He didn't deserve to be where he was. He was a waste of space, someone better could be in his place.

Daniel used to go to church on Sundays, and he'd wonder...Why did God make me like this? Why did he put so much thought into everything else and left me with this...A glitch in the system.

No one would understand, no one would even notice when he was gone. He was insignificant.

They'd get over it.

The blue eyes that once held happiness now held overwhelming pain, tears, and bags under the beautiful ocean orbs.

He'd always liked his eyes. Not anymore.

𝙎𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 ¦ 𝘿𝙎. 𝘾𝘽⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Where stories live. Discover now