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Corbyn wasn't usually the most spontaneous person but when it came to Daniel he never really knew what he was, other than head over heels in love

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Corbyn wasn't usually the most spontaneous person but when it came to Daniel he never really knew what he was, other than head over heels in love.

"Corbyn where are we going?"

The young brunette let a small laugh slip from his gentle lips, his eyes were covered by a red blindfold, he was currently sitting in the passenger seat of the blondes car quite excited for what the boy had planned for them.

"we're almost there Dan"

The brunette blushed at the nickname, he loved being with Corbyn. He never thought they'd become so close, especially so fast.

Soon enough Corbyn stopped the car and left the driver's seat. He helped Daniel out of the car seeing as he was deprived of his eye sight. Daniel gripped onto Corbyn as they walked, it was chilly, they were definetly outside, but where.


Daniel nodded griping one of the blondes forearms.

The faux blonde untied the blindfold from Daniel's eyes, he blinked a couple times, he turned around facing away from Corbyn wanting to see where the blonde had brought him.

He looked around him, huge white letters that read 'Hollywood' stood in front of him. He looked back towards Corbyn.

"you didn't"

The blonde nodded a big smile spread across his cheeks. He engulfed the brunette in a loving hug and locked their lips togheter with a crazy lustful emotion.

He never saw himself as the romantic type but here he was doing things his friends would certainly call him a simp for.

Corbyn pulled away from the brunette slightly, their lips feathered on each other, but he was so happy just holding him.

"follow me"

Said the blonde in his typical soft tone. He walked over to a more hidden space where a small mattress layed with a couple blankets on the side.

The brunette furrowed his brows.

"Corbyn what is this?"

He said confused, until the blonde walked closer to him. He lowered the brunette and layed him on the mattress, climbed on top of him and whispered softly in his ear.

"let me help you"

Shivers were sent down the brunette boys spine. All at once, there was nothing in Daniels universe but Corbyn kissing, touching, biting, and exploring every inch of his body with his mouth, his tongue, and his hands. For the first time in Daniels life, Daniel forgot everything else. The bliss sent an earthquake through his loins, causing his body to teeter on the brink of the sublime.

Nothing in his experience prepared him for the new sensations; the tingle in his neck, arms, and hands. The tightening of his belly when a wave of lightning engulfed it; the escape of his moans as it saturated him, swelled him. Once unrestrained, his passion was urgent, desperate, and critical, but Corbyn forced him to keep to his slow pace. His unhurried touch, bringing him to undeniable pleasure.

Corbyns' lips devoured his. His tongue explored his mouth, his neck, and his ears. His teeth found the boys chest, his lips pressing themselves against his body gently.

With a movement that startled the brunette, the blonde forced his legs open with strong arms, cupped his waist in his hands, and lifted his hips to meet his.

His hands roamed his body, slowly, gradually, insistently. He spread the pleasure, the moistness. Corbyn moved Daniels fingers to the soft head of his erection where he let them linger and explore, running the tiny, delicate pads over the veined skin. Daniel could feel himslef blush and prickles of pleasure moved through his arms when the blonde grew harder in his hand. He squeezed instinctively, feeling the muscle throb and flex, forcing him to tighten his grip. More moisture drenched him in anticipation.

It was lustful, gentle, he lost his senses. All he felt was Corbyn, love for the blonde, for the person who was there when no one else was. And he was giving himslef to him completely.

And perhaps this whole thing wasn't right and the co dependency he had created in his lover was toxic, but Daniel had been poisoning himself all his life. This wasn't new to him.


Daniel layed between the blondes arms, they were wrapped around his small waist tightly, their legs tangled with each other's as they shared small soft kisses that made his skin shiver.

Corbyn placed his hand on the brunettes chin softly.

"I know all this happened really fast, and I can barely imagine how weird and confusing it's been for you. I know that before we met you weren't in the best place, hence why we met in the first place."

"I want you to know that whatever happens with you, or if anyone tries to do anything to you, anything at all. I'm here and I've always been here, and I need you to know that"

Corbyn nibbled on his lip lightly gulping before continuing with his speech.

"I'm always here, and we've gone trough countless amount of things togheter, not just because of your... Things, but beacause of us in general. I just need you to know how happy you make me. Daniel you've changed me in unexplainable ways and I just couldn't thank you eno-"

Daniel kissed Corbyns lips deeply, gently, possessive in his touch. His fingers rubbing up and down the blondes chest as he felt the typical tingles that he'd always feel when he kissed the blonde.

"I love you"

"I love you to"

"I love you to"

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