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I'm gripping my empty tapioca container so tightly I think it'll break. I'm sorry empty tapioca container. You brought me so much happiness, but right now you're the only one within my angry reach.

As I watch JB and Bambam, my mind sends me a wild alarm.

I have to do something! Anything!

My blood begins to rush through me. My adrenaline is rising. I can do anything! I mean, I'm practically becoming King Leonidas himself.

I shoot to my feet.

"STOP!" I yell out. "THIS IS MADNESS!"

Everyone turns to look at me. JB with a surprised look. Bambam with his dreamy look. And Python and her gang looking rather...menacing.

I don't say anything. I just stand there holding my empty tapioca container.

They continue to stare at me.


There's only one word for that moment now: uncomfortable.

And, I really wish I didn't eat that tapioca so fast.

"Kito?" JB says, surprised.

"STOP!" I yell out again. "Don't kiss him!"

Everyone turns to look at each other, then back to me.

"Um..." JB says. "It's kind of already happened."

Right. Of course.

"Well," I say, beginning to feel hot in the face...

"SORRY!" I yell out and run away.

Whoever advised people to just "live in the moment" probably implied that you should also think of what happens after that "moment". I, apparently, did not get that memo.

"There you are!" I suddenly hear a stunningly lyrical voice.

'There you are' isn't exactly something that can be stunningly lyrical, but I know only one person who can do that. I don't even consider the beauty of this boy. I just turn and look at him angrily.

Yeahhhhh... I'm just kidding. I'm looking at his legs and shoes.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asks.

"YOU!" I say. "You were the one who put him into the custodial closet!"

There was a short pause.

"I don't think I did," Jimin says.

Oh, in denial are we?

"I believe it was Python and her friends that did that," he says. "And, yes I told them to."

Alright, not that much in denial.

I had more planned out to say, but with Jimin so quick to admit he did it, I was at a loss for words. Don't you hate that? When you're ready to pour out a slew of loathing words only to suddenly find out it's not needed?

"Well!" I say, staring at his knees. I hold up my empty tapioca container. "This was for SuJoon!"

"It's empty."

I nod. "YES! It's completely, utterly, and very much one-hundred percent empty! And you know why?! Because of you! And you're going to have to be the one to tell him I won't be hanging out with him today because of you! Live with that!"

Not my best, but I give it a three out of five stars.

"You're awfully redundant."

My shoulders drop. That's what he got out of my chastisement!?

"So, you're not coming with me after school now..."


"Not even to see SuJoon..."

I gulp. I'm so sorry SuJoon, but your brother is an immovable obstacle to your tapioca. Or what used to be your tapioca...sorry again.

"Th-that's right!"

Look at that self-discipline!

"Not even to see Mario Batali?"
(Wikipedia : Mario Francesco Batali is an American chef, writer, restaurateur, and media personality.)


Mario Batali? THE Mario Batali?! He's got to be lying. I mean, Mario Batali! I see him all the time on the television! Iron Chef America! Not quite as good as the original Japanese version.

"Yes, my family knows him quite well," explains Jimin. "I thought you would like to meet him after you hung out with SuJoon today."

My jaw drops. M-m-meet him? B-B-Batali?

"Well?" I hear Jimin say. He sounds rather pleased with himself.

I'm torn. My anger reminds me what JB suffered through. But my passion for cooking tells me it's MARIO BATALI. And yes, in my mind, every time that name comes up, it echoes and voiced like those narrators in an action film trailer.

What am I going to do?

JB? Seeing him and comforting him?


MARIO BATALI? In the same room as me?


JB? My best friend since childhood?


MARIO BATALI? Who can probably season and dice a lamb in under a minute? Actually, I don't know if he can do that, but I'm not saying it's not possible.





My pride...



Later that night I sit down to dinner in the Birds of Paradise gated community dining on a meal cooked by the Mario Batali.

Now, before you can argue, I looked up 'pride' in the thesaurus. And despite the other words like 'honor' and 'dignity', the words 'arrogant' and 'vanity' were also there.

So by dining with Batali and the Parks, I'm neither arrogant nor vain.

That should keep my guilt at bay until dessert.

That should keep my guilt at bay until dessert

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