2~ bad guy

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I sneak into the dark home. I slowly walk around the kitchen to find anything that catches my eyes.

"Sleeping, you're on your tippy toes
Creeping around like no one knows
Think you're so criminal."

I walk up the stairs looking around for any witnesses. I walk into a small room with a dresser, a desk, a couple of pictures on the walls, and a bed. I look closely at the bed and notice there's someone sleeping in it.

I walk closer and look at the person in bed. Long brown hair. Long eyelashes. Plump lips.

She's.. gorgeous.

I probably shouldn't be thinking like that. I need to do what I came to do and leave. I quietly search her drawers and find some necklaces and bracelets.

30 bucks! Score!


I wake up to a bunch of steps and loud noises. My eyes flutter open and I see someone in a black outfit next to my dresser. Black beanie. Black sweater. Black baggy sweatpants. Black boots. Black hair. I realize it's a girl because of her body figure.

She turns around and her eyes go wide. She stuffs whatever she took in her pocket and stares at me. Guess she's not that great at stealing.

"Um.. w-what are you doing in my house?"

"Well, it's pretty clear that I'm robbing your house, babe."

I scoot up on my bed. She looks at me up and down before giving me eye contact. Not gonna lie she has beautiful ocean eyes.

"C'mon." She starts walking to the door.


She scoffs and folds her arms together.

"You think I'm gonna leave you here so you can call the cops on me. No thank you!"

She rolls her eyes and puts down her arms.

"Put some clothes on and follow me."

I get out of bed and find my shorts laying around on the floor. I feel her stare on me as I'm putting on my shorts. I grab one of my jackets and follow this strange girl. I'm not lying when I say that I'm scared as hell but I can't look like I'm scared or weak.

"By the way, my name is Billie but I don't think you really care."

"Bella." She smiles at me slightly before putting the bored look on her face.

"Nice name."


"Don't say thank you or please
I do what I want when I'm wanting to
My soul? So cynical."

"I don't give out compliments very often so you should be thankful!"

We walk out the front of my house and she directs me to a white van. She pulls my arm and pushes me roughly into the van as she shuts the door.

"Look. I don't want to hurt you, but if I have to then I will. Just stay quiet and follow directions, Bell."

I nod my head. I usually wouldn't let people boss me around but I'm being very obedient for some reason. I look around and see a boy in the front of the driver's seat. He's dressed in black as well besides the beanie. I stay quiet so that I don't get my brains shot out of my head. I'm also still very tired. My eyes get a little drowsy.


I stare out the window as we drive back to our house. We found a hostage so we need to make sure she doesn't escape. I feel something on my shoulder. I look to my left and see Bella resting her head on my shoulder. I smile and gently play with her hair.

"Bil, what did you find?"

"Not much. 30 bucks."

I look over at my brother as he looks back at me. He notices Bella was sleeping on my shoulder.

"Bil, please don't fall in love with this one. You know what happened last time."

"I know." I nod and look down at her and back out the window.


The dealer came over to take Jess because of course, we weren't going to keep her forever. We were planning on selling her for a good amount of money.

The only problem was... I fell in love with her. It would have hurt me to let her go and probably get abused. I held onto Jess's arm as I was about to hand her to the dealer. I whisper into Jess's ear.

"I'm s-sorry. I love you." I only had her for a month but she already meant so much to me.

I hand her over as she looks back at me. I can see the worry and sadness in her eyes. She mouths 'I love you too.' The dealer looks her over and smiles.

"You know what? I need something else.. this isn't enough."

"No. That wasn't the deal. We give you the girl and we get our 7 grand." Finneas spoke with anger.

"Well... I changed my mind. I want 4 thousand plus the girl."

"Or else?" I give him a death stare with fists.

"I'll shoot her." My face was filled with anger and now it changed to sadness. The thought of losing Jess scared me.

"Please just take her. We don't have that kind of money!" Finneas looked as if he was going crazy.

"Oh well."

The last look Jess gave me was a look of sadness and begging that it wasn't gonna happen. I could tell you that in that moment, I regretted everything.

'I love you too.' Was the last thing she said to me before a metal bullet went through her head.

"NO!!" I cried before running to catch her. Tears fell out of my eyes as I held her lifeless body.

"W-why did y-you leave me?"


"So your gonna be staying in my room until we figure out where we're sending you."

"Ok." I give her a weird look.

"Why are you so obedient all the time? I almost hate it." I put my arms on the bed getting closer to her as she slightly scoots away. Probably feeling uncomfortable.

"I-I don't know." She speaks, trying not to make eye contact with me as I stare into her soul. I get off of her and take off my beanie.


I watch as she gets up and off of me. I don't know why but at that moment I wished that something would have happened. She turns around and takes off her beanie. She has black hair and green roots.


She takes off her shoes and messes with her hair as she gets in the bed. She faces me as she stares into my soul again. How does she do that??

Me being confused enough I scoot closer to her and put my head on her chest. I just have this really weird connection to her. I just feel safe.. and I've only known her for 2 hours.

I shouldn't feel this way.

I shouldn't feel this way about someone who kidnapped me and took my stuff.

"Hey, Billie?"

"Yes, mamas?" She plays with my hair and pulls me closer.

"Why do you rob people's houses?

She gets up and puts her arms on either side of my head.

"Because I'm the bad guy, Bell." She smirks.

"I'm the bad guy, duh."

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