??? I choose you!

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This is my first go at a Pokémon story. I decided to try it out due to Zzz-Awakening
Pokémon story, and the Crystal Clear ROM hack by Shock-slayer.


Opal: "That's it Bozz! Now drop down and tackle him!"

The young Opal stands on his parents ranch, battling a small purple rodent with his Pidgey named Bozz.

Rattata: "Rattata ratrat!"

Opal: "Dodge his superfang attack and retaliate with gust!"

The foe Rattata jumps to the air and tries to chomp down at the afloat Pidgey. Said Pidgey dodges to the side and blows the Rattata with a strong gust attack back towards the ground.

Bozz: "Pidgey!"

Rattata collides with a hard "thud", leaving him fainted.

Opal: "great job Bozz!"

Bozz lands and salutes with his wing.

Bozz: "Pidgey Pidgey!"

Opal: "Now he won't steal more Miltank feed. But what should I do about him? Should I catch him? What do you think Bozz?"

Bozz: "Pidgey..."

Opal: "You're right, there's nothing else I can do."

Opal pulls out a small Pokéball and presses the button, he then throws it at the fainted Rattata. It vanishes in a red flash inside of the Pokéball and the ball falls to the ground shaking. It shakes three times, then lights up.

He approaches the Pokéball and picks it up. Opal looks at it and bites the inside of his cheeks.

Opal: "Guess I have a Rattata now too..."

Mom: "Opal, Professor Oak asked for you!"

The young boy and his Pokémon turn their heads to the voice. In the distance on the other side of the fence, Opal's mother can be seen waving.

Opal: "Mom wants something again. Bozz come back."

He holds up a small Pokéball and presses the button. The Pokéball grows, and his Pidgey vanishes in a red flash inside of it. It then shrinks again, and Opal puts both of the Pokéballs in his hands on his belt.

Opal: "I'm on my way!"

He jogs towards his mother at a faster pace. Once he arrives he is met with a smiling face.

Mom: "Thank you for dealing with the Rattata. It was a huge problem. It kept stealing the Pokéfeed, and the Miltank were too scared to leave their stalls. You and Bozz did a great job catching that Rattata.

Opal grins proudly and scratches his cheek sheepishly.

Mom: "Oh that reminds me... Professor Oak asked for you. He wanted to give you a present for your birthday last month."

The young boy raises a brow.

Opal: "That's a little late, but a present is a present. I'm on my way!"

He climbs over the fence, falls to the ground, then stands up and proceeds to brush dust off him.

Mom: "Eh- are you ok?"

Opal looks at the ground in total silence.

Opal: "Don't tell Blue about this."

His mother chuckles and motions with her right hand.

Opal: "I'm serious please don't tell him."

Mom: "Oh don't worry..."

But he has to worry. Opal's mother is a total tattletale. Once she knows about any kind of rumors, or has seen anything interesting or funny, she will tell anyone about it.

Pokémon Adventures: Opal Chapters (Pokémon x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now