Yellow Rodent

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You and Red are on your way to Viridian City. You are still an-noyed at your parents for forcing the responsibility of a Pokémon egg on you. Again. They always do this. First one Miltank, then a whole bunch of them, then some Eevees, the starters for Professor Oak, and finally this egg. On top of that you're on a journey.

Your family is a strange lot. Your mother the tattletale, always bothers you with getting rid of any Rattata that she sees. Imagine getting dragged out of the bed in the middle of the night, only because your mother saw a Rattata walking passed the house.

Your dad despises bug Pokémon. He will suddenly gain the bra-very of a five year old girl who's alone at home in the middle of the night, when he sees a single Caterpie. One time, when you  were eight, you and your family had a picnic. Two Caterpies and one Rattata appeared. You already know the rest...

Your uncle is head over heels for his wife. That may sound nice, but he is basically obsessed with her. Every conversation he has, somehow always ends up with him praising his wife. He tells every person about how great and how beautiful she is. Imagine being four years old and saying that you are going to marry your uncle's wife. Yeah... That didn't end well. It ended in an essay about how "you are clearly not worthy of even ut-tering such nonsense". "She is clearly a superior being that you are not even worthy to lay your eyes upon". Yeah...

Your grandma is overprotective. Way way way too overprotective. And she will spoil you to a point you shouldn't be spoiled. She once found a "lost" Snorlax in vermilion city and somehow, don't ask me how, brought it to her house in Pewter City. She then took care of the Snorlax and fed it. Sounds fine, right? No. She proceeded to keep feeding the Snorlax to a point where it didn't want to eat anymore. I repeat. The Snorlax didn't want to eat anymore. The poor thing was so scared of your grandma, that it ran away from her. It ran. Have you ever seen a Snorlax run? Didn't think so...

And your cousin... We don't talk about her...

Red: "Opal, everything okay? You have been quiet for a while."

Opal: "Yeah. I just thought about how I'm finally free..."

He furrows his brows.

Red: "What?"

Opal: *sighs* "Nothing..."

Red: "Okay then... Oh. Professor Oak said the first gym is in Pewter City."

You shudder at his words. Pewter City? Your Grandma lives there. That's fine. You just have to hope that your grandma doesn't know you are going to visit the city. It's not like there's someone you know, who can't keep their mouth shut... Right?

Opal: "Did he say what kind of gym it is?"

He turns around and stares confused at you.

Red: "What... kind?"

Opal: "Yeah. There's always some kind of theme going on with gym trainers. The one in Goldenrod City for example was a normal type gym. Fighting types are super effective against that. So the gym in Pewter City should also have some kind of theme."

Red doesn't seem to truly believe you for some reason. He narrows his eyes at you and furrows his brows.

Red: "Is that so?"

Opal: "Uh, yeah."

Red: "Sounds stupid, but you are the one with a gym badge. I guess I have to take your word for it... "

You don't like the undertone in his voice and wrinkle your forehead at him.

Opal: "Hey! Don't treat what I said like a lie. It's disrespectful to not believe me. I'm just trying to help you out here."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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