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Hey guys! Thanks for reading Rescue Mission: Zavrina Bennett! We hoped that you enjoyed it. Here is the comprehensive translations chapter by chapter. Again, thank you all again for reading. My sister and I greatly appreciate it.

Chapters 1-6:

Turning Vamp Doppelganger Blood into Human Doppelganger Blood:
Undo the curse. Restore the blood of the Doppelganger - Undo maledictionem. Restitue sanguinem Doppelganger.

Vampirism Removal Spell: TVD Wikia -No translation: Saplaey Aten Cravi Carmossi Estra Nozholi Gesena Zatavit (Aten Cravi Carmossi)

Chapter 9:

Ab omni periculo et invisibilium domum hanc = Protect this house from all danger seen and unseen

Chapter 11:

Locator Spell: via TVD wikia - no translation

Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous

Chapter 12:

Permisso Laca Tha Tar - No translation (TVD Wikia)
Vitto Brusche Tarem Car Manifesto Fen - No translation (TVD Wikia)

Mundo naturali oppugnabit - Natural world assail them

Oppugnare cum festinatione - Assault with haste

Et ignis consumet accendant - Fire ignite and consume

Ventus Respondet - Wind answer the call

Libera Agonia - Deliever Agony

Phasmatos radium calaraa - No translation (TVD Wikia) - Cloaking spell

NOTE: According to the TVD Wikia the cloaking spells block locator spells. While that true, we decided it didn't apple here because *SPOILER ALERT* Luke and Liv are about the the Gemini leaders and Bonnie is well, Bonnie and that why locator spells work even with the cloak up.

Chapter 13:

Sonitus abundavit - No sound abound

Silentium fieri eos - Silence become them

Remittimus eis silentium - Release them silence

Silentio sursumredditio - Silence surrender

Phasmatos radium calaraa - No translation (via TVD Wikia) - Cloaking spell

Chapter 14:

Duratus - Freeze

Nos protegat - Protect us

Phasmatos radium calaraa - Cloaking spell (via TVD Wikia)

Aperta - Open

Claudicatus eos natura- Halt them nature

Deflectentem - Deflection

Naturae impetum - Nature attack

Nugas, qui a me resistunt - Remove those who oppose me

Inmortuos ad ardebit - Burn the undead

Contrivit illos - Ground them

Natura alligate ea - Nature bind them

Corpus humanum succumbas - Human body succumb

Dimitere vita - Relinquish life

Aqua herbam uirentem et unum coalescerent - Water and herb unite as one

Nunc vigilemus et corpus sanabitur - Wake now and body be healed

Chapter 17:

Requiem - sleep

Aperta - open

Magicae tenebitur - magic be bound

Silentium fieri eos - silence become them

Expergisci - awaken

Chapter 23:

dicimus luna nobis - we call the moon to us

Bennett dux magia, et ego suscipiam te - Bennett Leader Magic, I accept thee

Bennett dux magia, redire ad eum, qui vere imperium te - Bennett Leader Magic, return to the onw who truly controls thee

Nostros magicae familia restituere ordinem ad magica mundi - Unite our magical family, restore order to the magical world

mandamus tibi damon Salvatore cum praesidio hoc magicis linea. vivificet eum, et custodia, et sapientia tueri hoc coven ex visiblis et invisiblis vires hinc porro, et in aeternum magis - We charge Damon Salvatore with the protection of this magical line. Grant him guardianship and wisdom to protect this coven from visible and invisible forces hence forth and forever more

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