the prettiest sight to see is her beneath the tree

375 3 14

Ship: Whink Diamond
AU: human
Type: fluff
Requested by: heretoreadread

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Christmas, a time to spend with those you care about. A time to laugh and relax. Pembe was in her third year of college. Her girlfriend Whitley had finished college so they shared the house Whitley bought.

It was their first Christmas together, they had start dating in February. Pembe met Whitley through a friend called Pearl, turns out that Whitley was her older cousin. Sure maybe Pembe moved quickly, four days after meeting Whitley, she asked her out, but that's not the point of this!

Outside the house snow fell, it was only four in the afternoon but it was getting very close to being knee deep, aka they were kinda snowed in. While inside, the smell of cinnamon, ginger, melted chocolate drifted in the air, while the small fire place crackled in the background. The house was pretty clean except from some lose dog hairs from their dog Spinel, a one year old Great Pyrenees.

It had taken a lot of begging, pouting and food to make Whitley drag herself from her work to spend the holiday with Pembe. Because Pembe didn't want to have to try leaving the house had convinced Whitley just to cook everything from scratch.

Yes, it made a lot of things stressful but the two talked, laughed and spent some quality time together. Whitley ended up on cooking the main meal, you classic chicken roast, vegetables, Yorkshire puddings and gravy; Pembe had the easy job of making dessert, a chocolate and ginger cake with a lot of cinnamon, because if you don't like cinnamon then you have problems.

Of course Pembe was finished before Whitley this ended up helping with the main meal and after about half an hour of hard work they were done, and only had to let it all cook.

The two moved to the sitting room. In the room was a real fire place, where a warm heat rose from. A leather couch sat in front of that fire while a tv was held on the wall. Pembe sat down on end of the couch, Blanche sat beside her.

Pembe leaned her head in Blanche's shoulder before yawning. Blanche smiled softly, stroking Pembe's light pink hair. "We're you studying all night again?" Blanche asked, her voice was more motherly than anything yet it was also a concerned.

"Maybe... but exams are around the corner, and I just wanna make sure I pass!" Pembe defended herself.

"Your health is more important, Pembe." Blanche sighed softly.

"You used to do it Blanche."

"No I didn't, I payed attention in class."

"Are you saying that I don't pay attention!"

"No. Maybe." Blanche chuckled slightly. She started to blush, and when Blanche blushed it was obvious since her skin was really pale.

"It's fine, I'll forgive you." Pembe giggled before nuzzling Blanches neck which was covered by her soft hair. "What shampoo and conditioner do you use?"

"Three different types at once." Blanche said in her normal sing-song toned voice.

"Wow, okay." Nodded Pembe, she closed her eyes. After a moment of silence Blanche put a arm around Pembe, and started humming softly.

"I love you, Pembe." Blanche stopped humming. Pembe removed her head from where she had placed it.

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

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