I met alot of people but few are inspiration for me.
And I think that they actually are !
It is not easy to be inspiration for anyone. It took alot of effort.
I believe that my inspirations are my motivation because they tell me how to survive or how to live in this (two-faced and manipulative) world.
It's hurtful but true.
We don't know about the people around us. We don't know how they are .
My inspirations motivate me in this way that, they didn't deal me with that much care but when I see them I could feel them.
But I learnt many lessons from them.
They taught me how to bear the people that are unbearable.
I believe that more far we live from the people more happy we will be.
People will not ever be happy from us.
The more we did for them, they feel it least.
On another side there are the people that are very loveable.
I think so only they are HUMANs !
So, I love my INSPIRATIONS, they are MOTIVATION for me !
Because no one knows that how they have handled those difficult times in their life that were very hard to face.
Yes, everyone face hard times in their life but only few can handle it bravely.
So, I do respect those people who handled this and still have a smile on their faces.