Chapter 14

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I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom feeling slightly nervous. Shadow and I were about to go on a date and I was extremely excited. This is the first date I have ever been a willing participant in. I didn't have to dress up either. I wore a pair of dark skinny jeans, a pair of knee high heeled boots that I was smart enough to pack, and nice red short sleeved button up blouse. The blouse had originally been in case I had to go see Carly, but a date with Shadow was a perfect reason to wear it too. I left my hair down and kept my make up light.

I left the bathroom and saw him sitting on the bed seeming to be a little nervous. He looked good with his white button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, dark jeans, motorcycle boots, and his cut. He made me want to say screw the date and just enjoy him all night. He stood and I noticed a small smile made his lips tilt upwards. "You look beautiful," he told me. I hear it all the time, but when he said it, it made me feel butterflies. "You dont look too bad yourself," I told him.

He then took my hand and lead me outside to his bike. I felt a wild thrill go through me. He got on and I followed suit. I wrapped my arms around him, enjoying the feel of his strong and sturdy muscles. "Hang on," he told me and I could hear the smirk as he said. It made my smile widen as he started it. He took off quickly, going down the streets with expert ease. He took me to a Chinese place for dinner.

When we got off he smiled at my wind blown hair. He held the door open for me and I went inside. It was a nice buffet style place that had amazing smelling food. A small woman came and greeted us, "Oh hi Richard." She then turned her eyes to me and smiled brightly, "Is this your girlfriend?" "Well, um not yet," Shadow said sheepishly. The woman patted his chest, "She's pretty, don't mess it up."

She then went back towards the kitchen. I gave Shadow a teasing smile, "Yet?" "Come on, I'm hungry," he grumbled as he went to the buffet line. I laughed softly as I joined him. After getting our food and drinks we sat down at a booth. "So how many people know your real name is Richard," I asked curiously. "Just a few," He replied to me. "So what is something that no one else knows about," he asked me curiously. "Well, you already know I'm mystery rider Sky goes out with every Friday." I thought about things that no one else knows about me. "I was once almost arrested." He looked at me wide eyed, "What for?" "Illegal street racing," I confessed to him. "The only reason I wasnt arrested was because I was able to out run the cops and I wasnt in my own vehicle." "Did you win the race," He asked me. "I was so close when the cops showed up," I answered. "Where was Popstar and Pretty Boy," He asked me with a soft chuckle. "Well when it happened I was just out of high school so Pretty Boy was trying to get his business up and running while Popstar was going to school to learn how to produce music. My mother and father were gone to attend some award show so I was left unsupervised on a Saturday night," I told him. "Now it's your turn, what's something no one else knows about you?" He seemed to think about it for a moment, "I have never celebrated Christmas." I was curious now, "Is it cause you have a religion that celebrates another holiday?" He shook his head, "No. I grew up in an orphanage and the money the government gave us went to food and clothes and to finding us homes. When I became thirteen, I got labeled as a problem child that no one wanted. Of course as the years went by it only got worse until I was kicked out at the age of eighteen. I was a nomad for several years until I found the Poison Vipers. Even when they celebrated Christmas I was usually too drunk or high to remember it." I shook my head, "This year is definitely going to be different. Of course in your tiny apartment, I dont know where we're going to put a tree, but I will definitely figure that out." "How do you celebrate Christmas," He asked me. "Well after my mother is done parading me around at whatever Christmas charity thing she planned, my brothers and I sneak out to the cabin where we exchange gifts, watch cartoons, and drink. This year though, I know Pretty Boy is going to be inviting Sky and we may just avoid our mother's charity event all together." Christmas was a good few months away so I had plenty of time to plan Shadow's first real Christmas.

"Which holiday do you celebrate," I asked him curiously. "Fourth of July," He replied. "We have a large cookout where everyone brings their families. After the sun goes down we shoot off fireworks, then later we start the adults only portion of the party." "Sounds like fun," I told him. After that we began talking and getting to know each other.

After eating he then took me to a place well outside of the city. The revving of engines, the cheers from crowds, and tires peeling out could be heard. Shadow took my hand, "Don't give your real name when introduced." I nodded and he lead me to the crowd where many were watching others drag race. Many of them wore cuts from various MCs. Some gave nods of respect to Shadow while others sneered. Shadow ignored them though. When I saw the vehicles at the start to race my eyes lit up.

Shadow's POV

I had debated on whether or not I should brind her here but from the smile on her face and the way she was nerding out over the cars I knew I had made the right decision. We stood so she was in front of me, my hands on her hips. She told me the possibility of which car would win the race and why. When the engines revved she told me about some of the modifications they have done to their cars just by hearing them. "How do you know so much," I asked her curiously. "I have always been fascinated with cars and motorcycles. In high school I took a mechanics class for all four years. By the time I graduated high school I was a certified mechanic. Most of the work that gets done on my Ducati and my Lambo is done by yours truly because they are my babies and I refuse to let anyone else work on them." She was just full of surprises.

We watched plenty of races, each one she was able to guess the chances of who would win and she was right every time. We then began talking about other things, and I enjoyed every second of it. When we were leaving I noticed a few Reapers by my bike. I tightened my grip on her hand and she squeezed it back in reassurance. "I see we have Viper without the rest of his group," one them sneered. One of them eyed Melody lustfully and it angered me. "Get away from my bike," I told them. "Or you'll do what," another asked me. "You're out numbered here Viper." I looked over at Princess and saw she wasn't scared of them. Instead she looked annoyed by their presence.

A bike pulled up between me and them. It was Cobra, someone from one of our other Chapters. "You boys best get going," Cobra told them. "My VP is here with his girl and it would be very disrespectful to the lady to make him get dirty in her presence so I suggest you be on your way." They noticed the other Poison Vipers from various chapters sitting off to the side, watching the whole ordeal. The Reapers sneered once more before driving off.

Cobra looked at me and I raised an eyebrow, "What brings you all here?" "Joker told us he needed our assistance with freeing up the neutral territory. The compound was a little empty since so many are at some cabin with Sky so we came here for some fun. We were starting to wonder where you were until word got to us that you got a daughter. Never thought we'd see you with a girl though," He said while eyeing Princess. Princess raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't comment on him calling her a girl though.

"Thanks for the help with them," I told him before going over to my bike with her. He didn't say anything as I started it up. It was a short ride back to the apartment and I sighed once inside. She wrapped her arms around me, "I really had fun tonight. Best date ever." I cupped her cheek,"Really now? And what was the best part?" "Riding on the back of your bike. Watching the races though was a very close second," she replied with a bright smile. "And I would love to do it all again with you." "Now let's talk about that yet I mentioned earlier," I said to her. "I'm listening," she said. "I truly do want a relationship with you," I told her and I watched her eyes light up. "And I understand if you feel the need to hide our relationship like Pretty Boy and Sky do." She shook her head, "I'm not gonna hide it. If the world finds out, they find out. Of course don't kill anyone if paparazzi start trying to take you picture." I chuckled softly, "No promises."

I then lowered my lips to hers to give her a kiss when my phone began to ring. I sighed and pulled it out. It was Joker. "Yeah," I said when I answered. "Hey, I got a job I need you to do. I'll text you the details." I sighed and hung up, "Duty calls." "Just come back to me in one piece," She said. I kissed her lips softly, "Yes ma'am."

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