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Hello luvly readers! Sorry for the long wait... I've been super busy and did not really have much time to write. now that I had time, I wrote this for you. i hope u enjoy!!!* Don't forget to vote, comment and follow :)


*Cue melodious nature music*

The verdant grass tickled my bare feet as I ran through the vast field. My blue silk shift dress with gold patterned panels at the sides stuck to my body, as the wind battered it with much force. I continued to run, laughing heartily as my hair capered with the balmy, yet strong wind. The sun showered the earth with warmth,  completing the beautiful scene. I had no idea where I was running to, but wherever it was, I hoped it was beautiful. From a distance, I could see a faint figure running towards me. However, the same toothy smile remained on my face. As I got  closer to the person, I spread my arms out, and my smile widened.

"Baby doll!" the person said, wrapping me in his muscular arms.

"Levi!' I exclaimed.

Levi? What?! How in the world did I run into Levi's arms?! He was the last person I wanted to see!

*Cue Thunder and Lightning sound effects*

I sat up in bed, breathing heavily  at my strange dream. I checked the alarm clock on my bedside locker. 07:30 it read. Although we had an hour to breakfast, I made a dash for the bathroom, hoping a hot shower would help me forget my dream.

"Someone's an early bird," Jane remarked, fluffing her pillows up.

I shrugged and said,"I just felt like getting an early start to my day today."

After contemplating for a bit, i decided I was going to keep my dream to myself. If I  told Amanda and Jane, they'd freak out -- especially Amanda. If dreams could be controlled, I would've stopped myself from embracing Levi in that manner. But unfortunately, that was impossible.

"I wonder what activities the camp counselors have planned for the campers today." Jane thought aloud.

"We may have a showcase or something relating to talent-y stuff!"  Amanda said excitedly, popping her head out of the bathroom, her hair still dripping with water, bliue eyes dancing.

I bit my lip. "Why can't we have a simple prayer gathering?"

"That stuff is reserved for sundays." Jane informed me.

I muttered an 'oh'  and continued to lace-up my boots. There was suddenly a loud knock at the door.

"Come in..."  I called.

The door flew open, revealing Aster.

" good morning everybody!" She greeted quite cheerfully.

Jane, Amanda, and I, returned her greeting with a chorus of 'Good morning's as well.

"Where's Celeste?"Amanda asked Aster.

Aster bit her lip and said, "She is still at the cabin..." She trailed off.

"How come?" Amanda pressed.

Aster looked slightly ticked off, but that expression vanished from her face as soon as it came. She simply shrugged.

I quirked an eyebrow inquisitively and asked, "Something wrong between you two?"  I asked.

"Not really, but ever since you came along, all she wants to talk about is how she you have ruined her summer, or how she hates you--" 

"I told you guys she dislikes me!"  I interjected, referring to my previous conversation with jane and Amanda.

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