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After the incident in the Chief's Office, I felt guilty for leaving Kagari alone in the office, he will has major problems not only him, but Gino, who was charged of keeping Kagari, or at least to me, as this was my problem, controled.

*(You) _____enters the office

Kougami: Where were you?? You missed a good time.

Masaoka: Kagari apologized to you, Missy ??

(You) _____:Mmmm....well ....I.....

*Interrupting Gino enters to the office and a drone holding Kagari's arm.

Gino: Kagari, you put me in real problems!!! You are an idiot!! The enforcers cant enter to the chief's office!!! And you know that!!! How did you got there?!?!?

Kagari: I got confused and clicked the button leading to the chief's office, Gino, all the people make mistakes!!!

Gino: Yes! But your mistakes cause me problems!!!And what the hell you were doing taking a walk for the Office?!?! You should have been here doing your previous case report!!! What were you doing walking around the office!!!!

Kagari: Hmm..i was looking for my jacket .......

Gino: Kagari, your jacket is right behind you, hanging on your seat as always!!!!!! Dont try to tricke me!!! What were you doing outside?!!!

Kagari: ...... I was looking for a drone to carry meet (Tn) ______ the entire office.

Gino: Is that true (Tn) ______ ??

I was about to say that all the problem was my fault ..... but I saw glancing behind Gino, Kagari head pointing me to say yes, there's no problem.....

(Tn) _____: Yes, Inspector Ginoza, it's true.

Gino: Kagari, really, it was so difficult to tell me the truth??? The next be more prudent and look where you're going!

Kagari: Yes, inspector.

*Gino leaves the room and the drone let Kagari go.

(You) ______: Kagari, Me i talk to you....in private?

Kagari: Sure, why not.

*Kagari and (You) ______ out of the office for a moment.

(You) ______: Why did you covered me? You dont even know me, and it was my fault you got in trouble.

Kagari: I owed one to you, after the joke .... I didnt wanted that things were bad between us. And... I'm sorry for the joke I said.

(You) _____: I forgive you and thank you... I guess now I own you one.

Kagari: You own me nothing, consider debt paid-he joked with a smile on his face- I just hope that things are well between us ......so...¿friends?

*Kagari extends his hand waiting for (You) _____ to respond shaking hands in sign of  friendship.

*(You) _____ extends the hand and waves back to Kagari shaking his hand.

(You) _____: Friends

《Just for the doubts the (You)_____ its a space where you can put your name because the novel its abour Kagari and you and if is not you, you can also put the name that you want the girl to be named. (: Hope you enjoy the novel (:》

Psycho Pass: Enforcers Love: Kagari and youWhere stories live. Discover now