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"Where are the other teachers?" Jimin asked politely as they cleaned the left-overs of lunch.

"There are no more teachers. I'm the language teacher. Jihoon here is the Math and Science teacher," Taehee answered while wiping the table.

"Actually, there's one more. But she got a maternity leave. That's why you're here. As an art and music teacher," Jihoon added while putting the trash in the bin.

"Aren't there a lot of children here?"

"No. There are only 60 students. They are thoroughly filtered. First qualification is to come from a prestigious family and second is excellence."

"Only rich kids then?"

Taehee nodded and muttered, "Sad, right? But they are the only ones who can afford the tuition in this school. Oh. That's right. You might have extra class too."

"Extra class for the ones who would request a one-to-one tutorial. So, I was told," Jimin answered.

Taehee nodded again as she added, "It seems difficult but it's actually fun. The kids are so cute."

"Then, how about we make one?" Jihoon said blankly. Taehee then glared at him and Jimin just chuckled.

"Mrs. Wang is the principal, guidance counselor and disciplinary officer. All in one," Taehee stated as she finished cleaning.

"That's a lot of job for one person," Jimin commented.

"It's okay for her, since preschool is already her life."

"What about her family?"

"She only has her parents. No husband nor children."

"That's why she loves children. She's infertile – ah!" Jihoon exclaimed as Taehee nudged him even before he could finish his sentence.

They sat down to take a rest and Jimin started thinking that he was just like of Mrs. Wang.

No spouse. No children.

What does it feel like to grow old alone?

"I'm going to have a cigarette," Jihoon exclaimed as he stood up and got one from his pocket.

"Don't smoke here! Go out," Taehee scolded him as she got a book from her bag.

"How about you? Want one?" Jihoon turned to Jimin.

"No. I can't smoke."

Jihoon chuckled, "Don't tell me you have a heart disease or something."

Jimin smirked, "I do."

The cigarette almost dropped from Jihoon's mouth from what he heard. Taehee then turned to Jimin who just smiled.

"Don't worry. I'm stable," Jimin tried to ease the heavy atmosphere.

Jihoon nodded and trying to escape the situation he caught himself in, he said, "I'm out."

Jimin was then left with Taehee who just silently read a book. For minutes, they just sat there with no words spoken. But Taehee then closed her book and turned to Jimin as she said, "If you're bored, take a walk around the school."


Jimin smiled upon looking at the bulletin board with children's drawings of their families on it. He then walked again as his hand traced the drawings on the wall.

Dahyun would surely love this.

He lightly chuckled as he imagined roaming around with Dahyun in a preschool and he knew that Dahyun would not be able to stop talking.

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