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"Dad!" Hana chimed as she kissed him on the cheek while his other cheek was kissed by Dahyun, "Dad, are you okay?"

"Of course," Jimin nodded, "Since you're here with me now."

"I know everything," Hana then whispered sadly, "Mom told me that you're sick."

Jimin's smile faded as he glanced at Jungkook and Dahyun who returned his gaze with worried expressions. He managed to beam at Hana once more as he said, "But I'll get discharged soon and then we could spend time together again."

"Really?" Hana's energy rose but it dropped again as she asked, "Is it okay for you to go out of the hospital already?"

Jimin nodded but then he looked at Dahyun and said, "But right now, can I talk to your daddy Jungkook first?"

Dahyun was about to protest for being ostracized at the conversation but when Jimin whispered 'please', she sighed and went out of the room with Hana. Jimin then gestured for Jungkook to come closer as he tried to lighten up the atmosphere by saying, "Don't worry. I'm not contagious."

Jungkook sighed as he sat beside him and replied, "You can't go out of the hospital yet. You know that."

"And you also know how much I hate hospitals," Jimin grinned, "There's no fun here."

"But – "

"Let's not kid ourselves anymore, Jungkook," Jimin cut his sentence, "I'm not going to recover so there's no point in staying."

Jungkook glanced at him with worry written all over his face as he sighed, "But if you get out, then it might speed up your..."

His words trailed but then Jimin chuckled as he found the word that Jungkook thought was inappropriate to say, "Death?"

Both of them were engulfed in silence at the mention of death and they refused to meet each other's eyes but then Jimin mumbled, "I think I know what dad felt before."

When Jungkook looked at him, he didn't expect to see a blissful smile on Jimin's lips. But then he asked, "Which one?"

"The I-have-lived-long-enough feeling," Jimin replied, meeting his gaze.

"When I survived that fatal attack and the heart transplant, I wasn't thankful," Jimin uttered as his gaze fell on the wall before him, "Because I found no reason on living. You weren't there. Dahyun was not there and the last memory I have was pain."

"I lived every year asking myself of my purpose," he whispered, "But after everything that happened, I think I know now why I was given a second life. It was my second chance to fix everything I have left seven years ago. Now, we've said our apologies and cleared out all our misunderstandings. After I've realized that, I was thankful for every second because I know that now, I could die peacefully."

"Don't speak of death so lightly," Jungkook complained in a whisper.

"Why not?" Jimin chuckled, "It happens to everyone. It would happen to you too, but my turn just came earlier. I'm happy, Jungkook. I'm grateful that for my remaining time, I have been needed. I was needed to determine Dahyun's feelings for you. I believe I was a passing trial in disguise which would make your bond stronger."

Jungkook smiled and realized that he was tearing up but then Jimin continued, "Hana needed me too, and I would never regret ending my life so that she can continue hers."

"They still need you," Jungkook said with a sob, "I don't want to lose you again. You are my best friend from the start."

Jimin too can't stop the tears from falling but then he smiled once more as he said, "And our friendship would never have an end. I can't stop myself from dying Jungkook but now, I am willing to entrust Dahyun and Hana to you because I know that you would love them like how much I would."

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