Chapter 5:

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Mari was fed up with the men. They still hadn't come back yet and she was becoming impatient. She still didn't know if she wanted to help them. Her thoughts and the room around her were the only things keeping her sane. There was a loud knock on the front door and she bolted upwards to see what was going on.
She ran down the stairs, seeing the guys slightly in front of her, Adrien in the lead with perfect running form. This made her run faster, just to spite him. Adrien suddenly put an arm out in front of her which brought her to a stop.
"What was that fo-" He shushed her.
"Are you going to help us or not?"
"What?" Mari was surprised by the sudden question.
"I need to know if you are with us or not. There is a guard at the door."
"Uh..." Mari couldn't decide. Nino grabbed her shoulder.
"Please. We can help."
"Fine. I'll help." Mari wasn't sure what she had just gotten herself into, but there was no backing out then.
"Perfect!" Adrien quietly exclaimed. He confidently walked toward the door. Mari had a bad feeling about it.
The door opened. Luka saw a tall, blond man. He wasn't sure whether or not to be intimidated. Next to him was a slightly shorter man with dark hair, glasses, and a dark red hat. He knew the smaller man was no match for him, a trained guard. Behind them, seeming tiny, stood Mari shivering, yet she still looked confident as usual. He heard a deep voice.
"Do you need something, sir?" It came from the blond man. He was pretty sure this was Adrien.
"I heard from an anonymous person that there were suspicious activities going on here. I'm here to check on it," he stated, adjusting his hat. Adrien gave him a look. Before Adrien could talk, he continued.
"I also was told that Mari was being pulled into it as well" Luka gave Mari a soft look. She immediately glanced at Adrien, who, hovering a head taller than her, looked down on her. He gave her a look he couldn't read.
"Sir, this was all consensual. We were just-"
"Practicing the piano." Adrien interrupted. Luka became confused because she wasn't enrolled in any music classes (he had checked).
"I recall Mari doesn't play any instruments," Luka said, hoping not to sound creepy.
"She's learning." Adrien started. Luka gave them a skeptical look. Then Mari jumped in.
"As you know, I'm an orphan. When I was brought in, the nurses said my only possession was this necklace," she pulled a gold circular necklace out of her dress. "I figured out while cleaning Master Fu's home, which you saw me do, that my necklace can tune pianos perfectly. This led me to believe my parents were musicians, or more specifically, pianists. And I'm learning because I-" she paused, sniffling as if she was about to cry. Luka prayed that he didn't make her start crying. "I just want to be closer to whoever my parents are..or...were" she immediately turned into Adrien's chest and started shaking. Luka assumed she was crying and became uncomfortable. Adrien looked shocked at first, but then slowly patted her back.
"Oh, well, when mademoiselle Mari stops crying, could I please have a word with her?" he asked, wondering if he sounded too intrusive. Mari wiped her eyes a few times and stepped forward.
"It's okay, I'm ready. Boys, why don't you head inside and get our piano music together." The men turned to each other and walked in the doors and he was left alone with Mari.
He looked into her eyes, admiring the beautiful blue they were. He wasn't surprised, but impressed how her eyes barely looked bloodshot after sobbing.
"So monsieur, what is it that you need?" she asked, startlingly confident.
"I heard that these men were trying to get you to pretend to be Princess Marinetta" she stared straight at him for a few seconds.
"Don't worry, it was nothing illegal. But why would it be a problem if we did?" she asked, which surprised him. She was a funny girl.
"Two reasons, technically that could be illegal. And secondly, I have some personal issues tied to Princess Marinetta and her family..." he trailed off.
"My father... he was the one who shot the king. He disappeared soon after. My mother said he died from shame, but I'm not sure why he was ashamed. I'm more worried about these rumors in our town. But don't worry. In my father's name, I promise as long as the Seine will flow, you will be safe. This revolution is a simple thing," he finished. She stared at him with a confused look in her entrancing eyes.
"Sorry if I rambled I just-"
"No it's okay," Mari reassured him. "It happens." Luka looked at her. He noticed the similarities between Marinetta and Mari, but he couldn't bring himself to believe it could be her.
"Thank you. I must go."
"Oh okay. I will go continue my...piano playing..." she said turning back to go inside. She didn't look back.
After they entered the house, Adrien immediately ran to the closest window.
"How did she do that?"
"I have no idea..." Nino almost laughed at his friend's impressed state.
"I have years of practice lying to guards and citizens alike. Yet the way she did all seemed so real. Her crying...My shirt!" Adrien showed his shirt to Nino. "It's completely dry. I believed she was crying! It wasn't until she put her head on me-"
"-When you got all flustered" Nino added, excited for his friends' reaction.
"Yea- no! I was not flustered! I was...surprised," Adrien stated.
"Sure..." The door flung open, almost hitting the men. Mari walked in. Adrien turned, completely changing his demeanor.
"Hey watch it!"
"You watch it! I saved all of us from being arrested!" Adrien was at a loss for words. Nino jumped in.
"Yes you did and we are very grateful," he said with a smile. Adrien regained his composure.
"Yes, and now we have to get started!"
"Get started? On what?" Mari asked. Adrien took a deep breath.
"Learning your past, of course!"

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