Chapter 2

142 9 3

Jake's POV

'What the fuck is happening' my mind is so confused, Cole just smirked and looked at Mr. Jacksonville. My face was still a bright red.

I pulled Coles' hood off, and mumbled "haha... Bitch." Cole pulled my hair causing me to yelp, everyone looked my way.

Cole raised his hand and said "jake here is not feeling well could I take him to the nurse." Mr. Jacksonville nodded and started writing something, Cole winked at me and grabbed my hand.

We were walking down a row to get to Mr. Jacksonville, when a note was put in my pocket.

I honestly don't know what it is, but whatever. We took the pass from Mr. Jacksonville.

Cole was dragging me through the halls, eww I just realized how bad the name Cole Brock sounds. "Colby where are we going" I said unintentionally.

He gave me a questionable look "colby?" He repeated in a questioning tone.

I snatch my other hand away from his to cover my mouth. "Sorry, sorry" I mumbled into my hand.

Colby smirked and grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my face. He pushed me up against a locker, making it hard for me to move.

He once again leaned closer to my face to whisper in my ear. "I like that name, only you can call me it though, Jakey" his voice was raspy.

I felt his warm breath on my neck before he pulled away and started walking I was standing there shocked. "you coming" he asked, I nodded and hesitantly pushes myself off the locker

Me and Colby were at the exit of the school "Colbs where are we going, are we skipping" I asked. He nodded.

Well first time skipping kinda scared. We walked out the building and into some woods that are close to the school.

After walking for 15 minutes we get to this abandoned factory with 11 other people waiting outside, I started getting shy.

"Cole who's he" A girl with dirty blonde hair. Colby rolled his eyes "a friend, Mariah."

I smiled at the friends of Colby "h-hi I'm J-Jake" I was playing with my jacket sleeves. They introduced themselves but after the guy named Mike with Brown hair and alota tattoos said "how many girls you fuck last night Cole?"

Mariah bit her lip and put her hair behind her ear. Colby said "5, the lowest count this month."

"I was the first one" Mariah said, not gonna lie I was lowkey jealous. "So Jake tell us about yourself" Katrina asked.

"I don't know what to say" I said unzipping my jacket showing off my whole outfit. "Okay one, where'd you get you clothes" Xepher asked.

"Dolls Kill, and hot topic and I got my shoes (a/n which are black platforms) from Dolls Kill" I said doing a little spin. 

"Why are you wearing girl clothes" Mariah asked "it's kinda gross" She continued.

I stayed silent but then she had the obedience to say "your parents probably hate you." I gave her a death glare and slapped her, what I have a short temper.

"My fucking pathetic excuse for parents are in jail and I'm not afraid to go there too." I was going to hit her again but someone way stronger than me dragged me away, of course I struggled.

"Jake calm down" I relaxed knowing it was Colby who was dragging me. "Jake how about we hangout at lunch"


I walked into the cafeteria with Katrina, Devyn, and Corey, Colby was flirting with a bunch of girls and I got jealous and walked away. Katrina and Devyn went to the bathroom, while Corey sat at a table.

Brennen walked over to me and said "hey whore you sellin' your body yet." That made me feel insecure about my body.

Brennen slammed me into the wall causing me to yell. Everyone look our way including Corey.

Corey was about to rush over but someone punched Brennen before Corey. I look up and see Colby.

Brennen fell to the ground I didn't even notice Colby had rings until I saw what they did to Brennen's face. Colby leaned over Brennen and continued to punch him in the face.

"Colby get off of him before you kill him" I yelled as security guards walked in. Colby got off of him and the security guards came and put our as behind our backs.

"Brock seriously again this is the fourth time this week and one week only has 7 days" A security guard said as another one grabbed Brennen off the floor and did the same to him. Another security guard tried to do  the same to me but, like I said I have a short temper, so I said "I can walk there by myself" I said in a sassy tone.

We got to the deans office and all three of us sat in a chair.

Well shit, that escalated quickly.

Roses are red
Cactuses are prickly
Well I'll say that escalated quickly

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